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( 1 ratings )

This zimlet allows user to automaticaly request a read receipt for each mail sent. Available languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portugues (Brazil), Russian, Spanish Works on ZCS 6+, 7+...

Downloads: 24451 | Categories: Mail

This zimlet add context menu button for mass removing all attachments in selected messages.  

Downloads: 1986 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

A Chrome extension for a quick glimpse of your Zimbra Webmail unread messages with notifications. Zimbra Notifications is an open source extension, you can download all of the code...

Downloads: 23877 | Categories: Mail

( 14 ratings )

This Zimlet parses postal addresses and displays Google(R) maps in the tooltip. Clicking on the address opens Google. It currently supports addresses for US, JA & most EU countries that...

Downloads: 15975 | Categories: Calendar, Mail

( 3 ratings )

Often you find yourself on message threads on topics that do not interest you. And the constant back-and-forth of messages keeps cluttering your Inbox. Now you can ignore messages by selecting the...

Downloads: 4764 | Categories: Fun, Mail, Utilities

( 2 ratings )

This is the first available version of EML Download. It allows you to download your messages directly in plain text (not .tgz or .zip). Tested on Zimbra ZCS 8.0 (Internet Explorer not...

Downloads: 6471 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

This small zimlet moves send (replied or forwarded) messages to the folder with original message. Works with shared folders to. It's now known ussie with "onSendMsgSuccess" function...

Downloads: 1324 | Categories: Mail

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   zSpam is an small zimlet used to report spam in following CNETs.  - ryzor  - pyzor  - dcc      This zimlet only acts as a wrapper between zimbra...

Downloads: 2310 | Categories: Mail

( 3 ratings )

Track UPS and FedEx packages with a single click. This Zimlet will highlight UPS and FedEx tracking numbers in email messages. When you click, you are linked to shipping information.

Downloads: 3512 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet helps you refine your current search. After performing a search with several results, you can use the Search Refiner Zimlet to quickly refine the search, for example, to show only...

Downloads: 2005 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 3 ratings )

When someone sends an email, in most cases, the mail client application (like Zimbra or Microsoft Outlook) will include mail client information in the "X-Mailer" message header. This mailer Zimlet...

Downloads: 4548 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities

The main focus of this Zimlet is dial-on-click for Phone numbers inside Contacts and Emails. Uses Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) Dial on-click in Contacts and Emails Edit Phone number before...

Downloads: 10075 | Categories: Contacts, Mail, Telecom

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ZadmiN lets you manage, monitor and administer any number of Zimbra email servers from your Android smartphone or tablet. You can easily:• View the status of all running services on the server•...

Downloads: 3793 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities

( 7 ratings )

Once a day (after first login), this Zimlet searches for Tasks (including shared Tasks) and displays a list of all Tasks that are overdue, in-progress, etc. This list is shown only for Tasks that...

Downloads: 6012 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 6 ratings )

Automatically converts your company's blog posts into email-signature and helps dramatically improve quality and quantity of your blog's reach by democratizing it. As you know almost every...

Downloads: 3990 | Categories: Mail

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This Zimlet allows users to preview and compare skins by opening multiple Zimbra Web Client instances, each with a different skin.

Downloads: 2349 | Categories: Fun, Mail

( 1 ratings )

ZCard is a Zimbra contacts sync client for Android. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default People / Contacts app. ZCard does not rely on CardDav or...

Downloads: 3275 | Categories: Contacts, Fun, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Telecom, Utilities

( 20 ratings )

Take back control of your Inbox!          Inbox Zero for Zimbra implements Merlin Mann's productivity process as a mail message toolbar. This zimlet lets you...

Downloads: 8886 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 6 ratings )

This Zimlet brings Google Maps to your ZCS installation. Previously, deployment of a Google Maps zimlet was complicated by the requirement of a Google API key. A Google API key is required for...

Downloads: 9283 | Categories: Mail

( 3 ratings )

Attach Contacts Zimlet - Allows you to easily attach contacts in vCard(.vcf) format from Address Book to the mail being composed.   You can attach Contacts in two different places: In...

Downloads: 7649 | Categories: Contacts, Mail, Utilities