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Search Refiner

By: rrao

This Zimlet helps you refine your current search. After performing a search with several results, you can use the Search Refiner Zimlet to quickly refine the search, for example, to show only messages with an attachment or only messages from a specific user. You can use the Search Refiner dialog to further refine and narrow the search results based on various criteria like: sender, isFlagged, unread, etc.


Rating ( 1 ratings )
Downloads 2122
Latest Version 0.8
Categories Mail , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 1/9/09
Updated on 10/7/15


  • very helpfull 

    By: bebolinux on on 6/20/10 for version 0.8

    It's a good support for the search.But ha same problem with localization.For Example in Italian the InBox is called "In Arrivo" and if you refine the search by Folder , the sofftware set the filter  as  in:"In arrivo" (tha is wrong) instead of  in:"InBox".The problem is only for the Folder that must be filtered in the original name and not in localized language.I hope for a quickly solution of this bug.For the English localization is perfect.