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Open Drive - Zimbra and Nextcloud integration Features: Use Zimbra credentials in Nextcloud. Navigate Nextcloud files inside Zimbra. Manage Nextcloud files inside Zimbra (upload, move, rename,...

Downloads: 64 | Categories: Photos and Files

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We have backported the Modern UI Nextcloud Zimlet that uses OAuth to the Classic UI. A number of partners have requested this Classic UI Zimlet since there are still many users the like to work...

Downloads: 1088 | Categories: Photos and Files

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Share files directly from you RushFiles account. This zimlet allows user to share files directly from their RushFiles account. A new public link (optionally password protected) is automatically...

Downloads: 498 | Categories: Photos and Files

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With the Nextcloud Zimlet you can add files from Nextcloud to emails as attachments, links and inline images. You can also store emails and attachments from Zimbra to Nextcloud. This Zimlet is in...

Downloads: 747 | Categories: Photos and Files

( 6 ratings )

Today’s Zimlet is “ Downloader ”, a very useful tool for all email users. This Zimlet allows you to save on your PC : • Emails (.eml) • Contacts (.vcf) • Appointments (.ics) • Tasks...

Downloads: 6284 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Photos and Files, Utilities

( 8 ratings )

Zimbra WebDAV Client This Zimlet is deprecated and will not be supported on Zimbra versions beyond 9.0 User manual : https://zetalliance.org/owncloud-zimlet/ Integrate any WebDAV server in...

Downloads: 9171 | Categories: Photos and Files

VNCsafe for Zimbra integrates OwnCloud or Nextcloud seamlessly withThe VNCsafe Zimlet will allow users to archive / store secure email attachments and messages - or to simply attach documents,...

Downloads: 3974 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files

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Do your users complain about lack of mailbox space? Zimbra does not provide a way of visualizing how the used space is distributed. Zimcleaner's aim is to analyze the user's mailbox and ease its...

Downloads: 2938 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

ZCard is a Zimbra contacts sync client for Android. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default People / Contacts app. ZCard does not rely on CardDav or...

Downloads: 3459 | Categories: Contacts, Fun, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Telecom, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

  ZDrive brings the full Zimbra Documents and Briefcase experience to your Android smartphone or tablet. ZDrive allows you to store all your files in your Zimbra account's Briefcase, so you...

Downloads: 5646 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

A zimlet for Google Drive integration. Allows the user to attach Google Drive documents to emails. This email requires the creation of a Google APIs console project. Please refer to the README...

Downloads: 6186 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files

( 6 ratings )

Provides integration with Dropbox for attaching a Dropbox file to a new message as well as saving attachments to Dropbox. Please see the README file as this Zimlet requires registering an app...

Downloads: 12203 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files

GreenRope is the world's first and only Business Operating System.  When your organization consolidates and simplifies sales, marketing, and operations in to one platform, it saves you time...

Downloads: 2848 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, CRM, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Utilities

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  By seamlessly connecting VMware Zimbra email with Huddle, the Huddle / VMware Zimbra connector enables people to collaborate intelligently from their inbox and enterprises have an...

Downloads: 2898 | Categories: Contacts, Photos and Files, Utilities

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This zimlet is used to allow you to shorten the ugly long briefcase file URL to share with other. You can choose any of the three shorten url providers, bit.ly, s8.hk or sina.com, in the...

Downloads: 2441 | Categories: Photos and Files, Utilities

( 11 ratings )

Set Zimbra as the windows' default mail appplication with MAPI support. Now you can use Office mail merge, send mails from Excel and others using MAPI, integrate your legacy appliations back to...

Downloads: 119990 | Categories: Calendar, Developer Tools, Mail, Photos and Files, Utilities