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Nextcloud Zimlet Modern UI

By: zimbra

With the Nextcloud Zimlet you can add files from Nextcloud to emails as attachments, links and inline images. You can also store emails and attachments from Zimbra to Nextcloud.

This Zimlet is in the official repos and can be installed via:

  yum install zimbra-zimlet-nextcloud
  apt install  zimbra-zimlet-nextcloud

Demo video

See: https://github.com/Zimbra/nextcloud-zimlet/releases/download/0.0.2/20200529.Nextcloud.Zimlet.Modern.mp4

Install instructions

See: https://zimbra.github.io/documentation/zimbra-10/adminguide.html#_setting_up_nextcloud

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Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 651
Latest Version 1.0.6
Categories Photos and Files
Compatibility ZCS 9.0.x , ZCS 10.0.x
License BSD 3-Clause
Created on 6/26/21
Updated on 11/22/23