Create awareness by using the Social Justice Zimlet. The Social Justice Zimlet will suggest alternative words to use while the user is typing a new email. For example if the user where to type...
Downloads: 488 | Categories: Social
This Zimlet for Zimbra 8.8.x allows the reservation of Lifesize virtual rooms with integration of login credentials directly in the text of the meeting message. It was made based on code from...
ZCard is a Zimbra contacts sync client for Android. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default People / Contacts app. ZCard does not rely on CardDav or...
Downloads: 3449 | Categories: Contacts, Fun, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Telecom, Utilities
ZDrive brings the full Zimbra Documents and Briefcase experience to your Android smartphone or tablet. ZDrive allows you to store all your files in your Zimbra account's Briefcase, so you...
Downloads: 5639 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Utilities
GreenRope is the world's first and only Business Operating System. When your organization consolidates and simplifies sales, marketing, and operations in to one platform, it saves you time...
Downloads: 2844 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, CRM, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Utilities
LinkedIn Zimlet is the zimlet that allow you to integrate Linked with your Zimbra Web Client.
Downloads: 3709 | Categories: Social
The Evite Zimlet integrates your Evite events into your Zimbra calendar. Right-click on the Evite panel icon and save your Evite login information (username and password). Then click Calendar...
Downloads: 4262 | Categories: Calendar, Developer Tools, Fun, Social, Utilities
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