Zimbra RSS ATOM Zimlet A Simple Zimlet that can be used to subscribe to RSS/ATOM feeds from within Zimbra Modern UI. Screenshots Once installed a new option is shown in the folder list: Then...
Downloads: 254 | Categories: Developer Tools
The Zimlet Sideloader provides an easy way to run Zimlets for development and testing purposes without having to actually deploy a Zimlet on your server. The Sideloader itself is also a Zimlet...
Downloads: 884 | Categories: Developer Tools
With this Zimlet administrators can change the behaviour of the navigation buttons in Zimbra Modern UI. This Zimlet will bypass this screen: So when the user clicks on the cloud icon, the user...
Downloads: 383 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities
ansible-zimbra-single This role automates the process of installing single-server Zimbra Open Source Edition v8.8.15 and v9.0.0 on CentOS 8 and Ubuntu 18.04. Requirements 1) Must be a fresh...
Downloads: 414 | Categories: Developer Tools
Zimlet Provisioning This is an extension that allows you to set zimbraZimletUserProperties LDAP values via REST API. This is useful if you do not have access to CLI or LDAP on your server, but...
Downloads: 545 | Categories: Developer Tools
The X-Spam Zimlet displays the X-Spam-Status and X-Spam-Score headers from emails in the UI.
Downloads: 501 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail
Based on your feedback we have updated the Zimbra Elastic Stack guide to work with Ubuntu 22 and ELK 8.x! The guide has also been extended with steps on how to send log information from audit.log...
Downloads: 1004 | Categories: Developer Tools
If a mail is scanned by the anti-spam filter included with zimbra, this zimlet shows the spam score of that message below the message subject. It's based on the "X-Mailer" zimlet by rrao.
Downloads: 3100 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities
ZimbraFlow ITALIAN ZimbraFlow è un'estensione di Zimbra che utilizza la libreria OpenZAL.E' compatibile con OpenZAL 1.5 e Zimbra dalla version 6.0.7 alla versione 8.5.1. La versione di...
Downloads: 1526 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities
ZadmiN lets you manage, monitor and administer any number of Zimbra email servers from your Android smartphone or tablet. You can easily:• View the status of all running services on the server•...
Downloads: 3898 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities
The ZCS Package Management Core provides a generic dpkg/apt-based package management facility for deployment extensions within a Zimbra ZCS instance. It also provides a set of utilities for...
Downloads: 5969 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities
Project for integration of received mails between Zimbra and Mantis Bug Tracker. This zimlet allows you to: Create new Issue into available Mantis projects from mail and their attachments. Add...
Downloads: 11428 | Categories: Developer Tools
This Zimlet gives sites the ability to present all logged-in users with a broadcast alert. In addition, users can receive a "tip of the day" at login or when they left-click on the Zimlet. No...
Downloads: 3548 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities
Use the ProcessMaker Zimlet to connect Zimbra to ProcessMaker open source BPM software suite. Set up preferences (user, password, server, and workspace), and then start or open your ProcessMaker...
Downloads: 9039 | Categories: Calendar, CRM, Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities
When someone sends an email, in most cases, the mail client application (like Zimbra or Microsoft Outlook) will include mail client information in the "X-Mailer" message header. This mailer Zimlet...
Downloads: 4766 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities
Set Zimbra as the windows' default mail appplication with MAPI support. Now you can use Office mail merge, send mails from Excel and others using MAPI, integrate your legacy appliations back to...
Downloads: 119931 | Categories: Utilities, Calendar, Developer Tools, Mail, Photos and Files
Updated for 7.x! Pure Java now! Server extension to compute the samba NT and LM hashes and keep them in sync with the Zimbra user password when it is changed. Requirements ZCS up to...
Downloads: 6663 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities
This Zimlet is an Admin Extension to set up a system/wide Domain Signature (Disclaimer). Note: Only for Zimbra Collaboration Suite 5.x on RedHat or Centos 4.x or 5.x Install instructions can be...
Downloads: 3513 | Categories: Developer Tools
Zimbra Altermime Installer, is a package that contains all files and scripts to set up a system/wide Domain Signature (Disclaimer) and Admin UI Extension, for Zimbra 5.0.2 on Red Hat/CentOS 4.x or...
Downloads: 2574 | Categories: Developer Tools
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