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ZCS Package Management System


The ZCS Package Management Core provides a generic dpkg/apt-based package management facility for deployment extensions within a Zimbra ZCS instance. It also provides a set of utilities for building packages.

Its main components are: Frontends to the Debian package management tools for usage within a zimbra instance common Makefile-includes and helper scripts for building zmpkg-based packages

License: GPLv3

Installation guide and tutorial: https://en.docs.vnc.biz/ZMPKG/zmpkg/

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Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 5962
Latest Version
Categories Developer Tools , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS 8.5/ZCS 8.6 , ZCS 8.0.x , ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x
License AGPL 3
Created on 9/24/12
Updated on 7/9/19

Older Versions:


Compatibility ZCS 8.5/ZCS 8.6
Created 3/30/16, 1:52 PM
Toggle description

The ZCS Package Management Core provides a generic dpkg/apt-based package management facility for deployment extensions within a Zimbra ZCS instance. It also provides a set of utilities for building packages.

Its main components are:

Frontends to the Debian package management tools for usage within a zimbra instance

common Makefile-includes and helper scripts for building zmpkg-based packages


License: GPLv3

Git-Repository: https://github.com/vnc-biz/zcs-zmpkg

Apt-Repository for Zimbra 7: http://packages.vnc.biz/zmpkg/current/ helix

Apt-Repository for Zimbra 8: http://packages.vnc.biz/zmpkg/current/ ironmaiden


Installation notes:

See: https://github.com/vnc-biz/zcs-zmpkg/blob/master/README.quick

Using Apt-Repositories:

edit $ZIMBRA_HOME/extensions-extra/zmpkg/etc/apt/sources.list

the key $ZIMBRA_HOME/extensions-extra/zmpkg/etc/apt/zcs-repo-master.key will be automatically loaded

you can add more keys using zm-apt-key



Compatibility ZCS 7.x , ZCS 8.0.x
Created 4/9/15, 1:47 PM
Toggle description

The ZCS Package Management Core provides a generic dpkg/apt-based package management facility for deployment extensions within a Zimbra ZCS instance. It also provides a set of utilities for building packages.

Its main components are:

Frontends to the Debian package management tools for usage within a zimbra instance

common Makefile-includes and helper scripts for building zmpkg-based packages


License: GPLv3

Git-Repository: https://github.com/vnc-biz/zcs-zmpkg

Apt-Repository for Zimbra 7: http://packages.vnc.biz/zmpkg/current/ helix

Apt-Repository for Zimbra 8: http://packages.vnc.biz/zmpkg/current/ ironmaiden


Installation notes:

See: https://github.com/vnc-biz/zcs-zmpkg/blob/master/README.quick

Using Apt-Repositories:

edit $ZIMBRA_HOME/extensions-extra/zmpkg/etc/apt/sources.list

the key $ZIMBRA_HOME/extensions-extra/zmpkg/etc/apt/zcs-repo-master.key will be automatically loaded

you can add more keys using zm-apt-key