By: postman
Plus all the features it always had:
Download it from the official site: by clicking on the "visit site" button. Download the demo version in your language. Extract all files. Run it and enter Zimbra mail server address, your Zimbra username, your Zimbra password, notification preferences and press OK. It will minimize to tray notification area, and poll regularly for new items.
Rating | ( 11 ratings ) |
Downloads | 119916 |
Latest Version | 5.2.32 |
Categories | Utilities , Calendar , Developer Tools , Mail , Photos and Files |
Compatibility | ZCS 7.x , ZD Legacy , ZD 7.0.x , ZD 7.1.x , ZCS 8.0.x , ZCS 8.5/ZCS 8.6 , ZD 7.2.x , ZCS Legacy , ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x |
License | Zimbra Notifier License |
Created | on 7/15/08 |
Updated | on 9/16/20 |
By: SmallCarl on on 12/8/20 for version 5.2.32
Tested on my Windows 10 and it crashed, will keep an eye on the next versions.
Hi SmallCarl, thank you for your feedback. Please, can you give me the following information: - Zimbra server version you tested at. - Windows 10 release version number. - Error message shown. Best regards Martin (postman)
Replied on 2/1/21
By: abuke on on 11/8/15 for version 5.2.26
Our company has several customers that use Zimbra, and some in combination with the Notifier to start a mail directly from LibreOffice.
Works great on Windows. However not all our customers are on Windows.
Is there a Linux version too, or planned, or could that be planned when there is customer demand?
By: abuke on on 10/29/15 for version 5.2.26
This worked perfectly, you have crated a really fantastic little piece of software.
By: tairone on on 10/17/15 for version 5.2.26
And it allows for whitelisting and blacklisting of the notifications on the Windows PC, which is great.
By: dbayer on on 1/27/15 for version 5.2.15
We have an ERP program that needs MAPI to email out Purchase Orders and other paperwork. Zimbra Notifier made our ERP software work flawlessly with Zimbra.We had an issue with how to install Zimbra Notifier across our network and Martin responded immediatly to our help request. It turned out to be something we did.
By: Satrier on on 10/24/13 for version 5.2.13
zimbra notifier double new message in tray :(
By: Jeff01 on on 11/12/12 for version 5.2
I am in the process of rolling out Zimbra Notifier v5.1.0 to a small group within our organization as a pilot project. It's nice to have a MAPI solution for those users who were used to that ability, prior our migration away from Exchange (and the Outlook client). The applications users were eager to have this functionality restored to was in TechSmith Snagit and MS Office applications. Installation and configuration was easy. However, I have received the following feedback. Note that some of these already have solutions (but I wanted to point them out anyway):................... (1) Default browser - Zibra Notifier will launch Zimbra in the default browser. Although we have have a Firefox shortcut for our Zimbra app, many users have IE as their default browser (for speciality apps that require it). To prevent Zimbra Notifier launching Zimbra in IE, I had to change the default browser to Firefox and instruct them to open the other apps from within IE. (2) Signature - The signature does not automatically appear in the body of the email. If a signature is needed, users need to remember to click the Signature button on the Compose toolbar. (3) Drafts folder - Email generated from applications shows up in the Drafts folder. It is necessary, then, to fish the message out of Drafts to complete sending email with attachment. (4) Profie-specific - Setting up Zimbra Notifier for one user is profile-specific per machine. Once that user logs out and another user logs in, it is necessary to configure Zimbra Notifier for the second user. This will be problematic if we want to move the app into full production...................If anyone has a comment or solution, I'd be very interested in the feedback.
By: Donna on on 6/7/12 for version 5
Great work! It looks fine. Thanks. <a target="_blank" href="" title="ana sayfa">Tatil ve Gezi Rehberi>
By: rafatmb on on 1/5/11 for version 4.1
Just works. It's a very useful tool, great work! Rafael MarangoniFrom <a href="">Servidor Linux</a> Team
By: mailhoster on on 5/22/10 for version 3.0.8
I love this program. I use it everyday at work, It reminds me of new mail and calendars. I can filter by calendar name, tag name, or folder name.
By: cayaraa on on 5/5/10 for version 3.0.8
I've been waiting for a good/better replacement for the old zimbra toaster and this really sounded good.
After starting it up I found that its not a free program but is running in demo mode until you enter a serial number.
From their webpage:
Evaluation version will display a buy reminder three hours after started. You can exit and restart it as many times as you want.
Single user license will let you use a specific mail username in unlimited zimbra mail domains. ($14.99)
Domain license will let you have unlimited users using it, within a specific mail domain. ($99.99)
After entering in my info it crashed twice:
Faulting application zimbranotifier.exe, version, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x001543d8.
On the 3rd time it did stay running and checked my mail successfully.
I really like that it lets you omit or notify for certain folders...I wish it also had the same feature for calendars though.
Try version 4, it lets you omit or notify folders, calendars or tags
Replied on 6/16/11
Compatibility | ZCS Legacy , ZCS 7.x , ZD Legacy , ZD 7.0.x , ZD 7.1.x , ZCS 8.0.x , ZD 7.2.x |
Created | 4/7/10, 7:31 PM |