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ansible-zimbra-single This role automates the process of installing single-server Zimbra Open Source Edition v8.8.15 and v9.0.0 on CentOS 8 and Ubuntu 18.04. Requirements 1) Must be a fresh...

Downloads: 412 | Categories: Developer Tools

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Zimlet Provisioning This is an extension that allows you to set zimbraZimletUserProperties LDAP values via REST API. This is useful if you do not have access to CLI or LDAP on your server, but...

Downloads: 542 | Categories: Developer Tools

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This Zimbra extensions implements a custom auth handler which authenticates Zimbra accounts against an installation of Atlassian Crowd. Centralized identity management Manage users from multiple...

Downloads: 520 | Categories:

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Developed and maintained by SiFAST. This project provides integration of two leading open source solutions, Alfresco Enterprise Content Management and Zimbra Collaboration Suite. It was built on...

Downloads: 549 | Categories: Mail

( 1 ratings )

Developed and maintained by Beezim. This zimlet allows you to add a Jitsi Meet URL your message body (email and appointment) Install the Jitsi-meet-Zimlet To install the Jitsi-meet-Zimlet you...

Downloads: 596 | Categories: Calendar, Video

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Zimbra Single Sign On (Zm SSO) Zm SSO is the Zimbra Collaboration Open Source Edition extension for single sign-on authentication to the Zimbra Web Client. Copyright (C) 2020-present iWay Vietnam...

Downloads: 856 | Categories: SAML

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This Zimlet for Zimbra 8.8.x allows the reservation of Lifesize virtual rooms with integration of login credentials directly in the text of the meeting message. It was made based on code from...

Downloads: 845 | Categories: Social, Telecom, Video

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HPO-Zimlet High performance meeting Zimlet This Zimlet changes the New Appointment dialog and default meeting duration option in Zimbra to be able to do High Performance Meetings....

Downloads: 1046 | Categories:

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Zimbra send replies triggered by filters (beta work in progress) While you could always configure Zimbra filters to send automated replies over CLI using: /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox -z -m...

Downloads: 1462 | Categories: Mail

You can use the software in this repository to set-up your Zimbra Open Source Edition server with Two Factor Authentication. The 2FA parts are powered by PrivacyIDEA and will run in a Docker...

Downloads: 2120 | Categories: Two Factor Authentication

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Zimbra User Alias With this extension you can allow a user, users in a cos or users in a domain to create Alias on their own account. For Zimbra 8.8.11 and above only. When adding/removing Alias,...

Downloads: 1434 | Categories: Mail

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Zimbra BigBlueButton Integration Install prerequisites Zimbra 8.8 and above Installing Use the automated installer: wget...

Downloads: 1625 | Categories: Calendar, Video

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Zimbra StartMeeting integration (development not for production) StartMeeting easy-to-use online meetings with HD audio, video conferencing and screen sharing. If you are interested in using...

Downloads: 1665 | Categories: Calendar, Video

( 1 ratings )

Zimbra Mailing Lists (beta) Expand upon Zimbra's distribution lists feature to work more like a mailing list. This project will add a public subscription page to your Zimbra server allowing...

Downloads: 2809 | Categories: Mail

( 2 ratings )

Configurable Signature Template We found that a SysAdmin can deploy email signatures via zmprov, but when the user wants to edit the signature (with the company logo) it often breaks. This...

Downloads: 4574 | Categories: Mail

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RMail for Zimbra RMail | The global standard for secure & certified electronic communications Production ready. Installing cd /tmp wget --no-cache...

Downloads: 1849 | Categories: Mail

( 4 ratings )

Announcements Portal This portal shows a list of announcements and RSS feeds in Zimbra as the first thing people see after login. Also People can add new announcements and comment on them. Spread...

Downloads: 1825 | Categories: Mail

Zimbra Recent Account Activity (beta) A Zimbra extension that allows the user to monitor their recent login and account activity. This is important to keep the user's account safe. Designed for...

Downloads: 3542 | Categories: Mail

Sender Blocker created by: ccs.uoguelph modified by : Cloud-Temple Grand Ouest maintained by: Zeta Alliance Tested on 8.8.15 patch 22 What is it ? SenderBlocker allows Zimbra users to block or...

Downloads: 5346 | Categories: Mail

( 1 ratings )

Email-Reminder This Zimlet enables you to set a reminder on emails. How it Works: The Zimlet displays an "Email Reminder Setup" dialog whenever you flag an email or conversation. The dialog...

Downloads: 3011 | Categories: Mail