By: zetalliance
StartMeeting easy-to-use online meetings with HD audio, video conferencing and screen sharing. If you are interested in using StartMeeting in your company contact Brandon Klein (
This Zimlet allows you to add StartMeeting information to your Zimbra appointments to share the online meeting link with participants.
The Zimlet also allows you to join/host a Start Meeting if you receive an email or calendar invite with a StartMeeting Link.
You must download a copy of the Zimlet using git, configure your companies Start Meeting URL (contact sales) and then deploy.
git clone
nano startmeeting/tk_barrydegraaff_startmeeting/config_template.xml
# set startMeetingURL
cd startmeeting/tk_barrydegraaff_startmeeting/
zip *
su zimbra
zmzimletctl deploy
zmprov mc default +zimbraProxyAllowedDomains *
Rating | No ratings or reviews |
Downloads | 1665 |
Latest Version | 0.0.2 |
Categories | Calendar , Video |
Compatibility | ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x |
License | GNU GPL v2 |
Created | on 5/17/18 |
Updated | on 2/3/23 |