By: amessina
Updated for 7.x! Pure Java now!
Server extension to compute the samba NT and LM hashes and keep them in sync with the Zimbra user password when it is changed.
Installation and Configuration
At the end execute as zimbra user:
zmprov md zimbraPasswordChangeListener SambaPassword
Note: Follow the links below to download working copies for ZCS 7.2 of the famous admin extensions zimbra_posixaccount and zimbra_samba
Rating | ( 7 ratings ) |
Downloads | 6655 |
Latest Version | 1.0 |
Categories | Developer Tools , Utilities |
Compatibility | ZCS Legacy , ZCS 7.x |
License | No License Specified |
Created | on 3/10/08 |
Updated | on 10/8/15 |
By: on on 8/15/14 for version 1.0
Hi, Does this Zimlet work with Zimbra 8.0 OSE? My best regards, Fabio S. Schmidt
By: vinzenz on on 8/3/12 for version 0.1
For anyone interested, here is a modified version of the presented extension of amessina without external binary: works fine for me on a 7.2.0 test server.NOTE: This extension only updates the NT hash, not LM. LM is outdated and should not be used anymore.
By: marcelofr on on 5/8/12 for version 0.1
Hello amessina, I've installed your extension on 7.1.4 and I broke authentication successfully... I'm reversing manual README instructions, but I don't know how to reverse "zmprov modifyConfig zimbraPasswordChangeListener sambapassword".I hope you can code the new version soon!!!
By: mbayram on on 4/9/12 for version 0.1
Amessina, is there any development for 7.x?
By: nyu on on 9/20/11 for version 0.1
Hi,I installed it, but when change password on webUI I have an eror Invalid attribute name.I using Zimbra OpenSource 7.1.2_GA Thanks, zimlet
Hy nyu, it was developed for zcs 5.x. I'll start coding and tests for 7.x soon Thanks
Replied on 3/19/12
By: mnbvmnbv on on 3/14/11 for version 0.1
Hi, When I install the zimbraSambaPassword extension, how can I specify the url of my external active directory to synchronized the passwords?? Thanks, excellent zimlet :D
Hi, There's no needs to do it in the zimlet. You have to enter your external AD server as usually in Zimbra. That's all. Thanks a lot.
Replied on 3/27/11
By: tim.mothery on on 9/7/10 for version 0.1
I'm moving my whole company (approx 350 windows clients) over to LDAP and Samba and couldn't find a clean way to change the NT password. As we use Zimbra (since early v4) this is the perfect way to do it. Users now have a 'web' interface to change (all) their password for both Samba and Zimbra. All other solutions presume that your running Samba as a domain controller which we don't and don't want to. Thanks.P.S. The ReadMe mentions avioding the mkntpwd in favour of a pure Java implementation. Maybe this python code snippet will help>>> import hashlib>>> nt_password ='md4', 'test'.encode('utf-16le')).hexdigest()>>> nt_password'0cb6948805f797bf2a82807973b89537'
Hi Tim Yes, I agree with you: it's not a pure java implementation. It simply was a (maybe better?) follow-up of my previous post on Zimbra Forums. If anyone is interested I can recode it in a pure java way. Thank you
Replied on 3/27/11
Compatibility | ZCS Legacy , ZCS 7.x |
Created | 4/7/10, 3:24 AM |
This package implements a server extension as a change password listener to compute the samba NT and LM hashes and keep them in sync with the user password when it is changed. See the README.txt and use the script to install.