By: depeje
If a mail is scanned by the anti-spam filter included with zimbra, this zimlet shows the spam score of that message below the message subject. It's based on the "X-Mailer" zimlet by rrao.
Rating | ( 2 ratings ) |
Downloads | 3095 |
Latest Version | 1.3 |
Categories | Developer Tools , Mail , Utilities |
Compatibility | ZCS 8.5/ZCS 8.6 , ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x |
License | No License Specified |
Created | on 1/2/16 |
Updated | on 2/7/20 |
By: julianodls on on 2/11/19 for version 1.3
I am not seeing how to install please send more details so I install zimbra 8.8.11
hit download button, then deploy using zmzimletctl deploy
Replied on 2/7/20
By: rajhans9 on on 1/3/17 for version 1.3
Very helpful feature and working great with 8.7.1.