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( 2 ratings )

This Zimlet provides generic integration to perform click to call from within Zimbra. For example: If you see a phone number in an email or a contact, you can click on it and initiate call from...

Downloads: 3829 | Categories: Telecom

( 2 ratings )

  Lot of times we create appointments where attendees are from different timezones and its extremely hard to know the best time-slot that works for all. This Zimlet makes it a breeze to...

Downloads: 4718 | Categories: Calendar

No ratings or reviews

In 7.1.x, People search doesn't show photos as it doesn't know how to construct URL to the photo. This Zimlet ( along with LDAP changes) provide a way to solve this issue. Please go...

Downloads: 2104 | Categories: Utilities

( 4 ratings )

What is Groupon? "Groupon negotiates huge discounts—usually 50-90% off—with popular businesses. We send the deals to thousands of subscribers in our free daily email, and we send the businesses a...

Downloads: 2467 | Categories: Fun

( 14 ratings )

This Zimlet parses postal addresses and displays Google(R) maps in the tooltip. Clicking on the address opens Google. It currently supports addresses for US, JA & most EU countries that...

Downloads: 16372 | Categories: Calendar, Mail

Lot of companies want to force enable read receipt so that all the emails will ask for Read Receipts and get confirmation. At the same time, it also becomes annoying if employees have to manually...

Downloads: 5732 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 3 ratings )

Attach Contacts Zimlet - Allows you to easily attach contacts in vCard(.vcf) format from Address Book to the mail being composed.   You can attach Contacts in two different places: In...

Downloads: 7900 | Categories: Contacts, Mail, Utilities

( 6 ratings )

Automatically converts your company's blog posts into email-signature and helps dramatically improve quality and quantity of your blog's reach by democratizing it. As you know almost every...

Downloads: 4224 | Categories: Mail

( 2 ratings )

This Zimlet Highlights the search text using Yellow background after a search. We think this is extremely helpful especially when we are dealing with emails with a large body.   It also...

Downloads: 4627 | Categories: Mail

( 14 ratings )

Every day, when you first login, this Zimlet scans your calendar and sends out a summary email about the current day’s events. To make it easier to read, the appointments are sorted and divided...

Downloads: 11695 | Categories: Calendar, Mail, Utilities

( 7 ratings )

This Zimlet allows you to perform several maintenance tasks on your Address Book to help better organize contacts. Cleanup ======= Move Some contacts in one Address Book to Trash (or some other...

Downloads: 5788 | Categories: Contacts, Mail, Utilities

( 3 ratings )

Often you find yourself on message threads on topics that do not interest you. And the constant back-and-forth of messages keeps cluttering your Inbox. Now you can ignore messages by selecting the...

Downloads: 5045 | Categories: Fun, Mail, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet makes it easier to create saved searches by automatically creating a saved search if the same query was searched repeatedly and exceeds the search-limit. For example: If you set the...

Downloads: 2350 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 22 ratings )

This new version 1.0 of the Zimlet now allows you to download one or more Emails, Contacts or appointments to your computer. To download, simply select one or more items and drag-and-drop them...

Downloads: 80341 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet brings about many top RSS feeds across four categories ("Top Stories", "Finance", "Politics" & "Technology") into Zimbra. Click the Zimlet panel icon and Subscribe to your favorite...

Downloads: 6608 | Categories: Fun, Mail, Social, Utilities

( 10 ratings )

This Zimlet comes with 25+ country holiday calendars (courtesy of ical.mac.com). Click on the Zimlet panel icon and Subscribe to one or more holiday calendars.

Downloads: 11185 | Categories: Calendar, Fun

( 7 ratings )

Once a day (after first login), this Zimlet searches for Tasks (including shared Tasks) and displays a list of all Tasks that are overdue, in-progress, etc. This list is shown only for Tasks that...

Downloads: 6136 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet helps you refine your current search. After performing a search with several results, you can use the Search Refiner Zimlet to quickly refine the search, for example, to show only...

Downloads: 2123 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

No ratings or reviews

There are many cool and creative skins/themes available for Zimbra. This Zimlet enables users to configure to automatically change skin based on a user preference. For example: "Every Monday" or...

Downloads: 5146 | Categories: Fun, Mail

( 3 ratings )

When someone sends an email, in most cases, the mail client application (like Zimbra or Microsoft Outlook) will include mail client information in the "X-Mailer" message header. This mailer Zimlet...

Downloads: 4755 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities