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Appointment Summary

By: rrao

Every day, when you first login, this Zimlet scans your calendar and sends out a summary email about the current day’s events.

To make it easier to read, the appointments are sorted and divided along two simple categories:  Those that need your immediate attention (e.g confirmed or new events) and others that don’t (those you’ve marked tentative, free, out-of-office, or declined but not yet deleted).

This Zimlet helps both frequent and lite calendaring users in different ways:

  1. For power-users, this is like having a personal assistant; who summarizes appointments for the day, providing a concrete idea as to how many meetings you have.

  2. For general-users, the Zimlet helps in reminding you that there is a meeting to prepare for (in case you’ve forgotten)


Release Notes:

  • Version 0.7 fixes bug 50113


Rating ( 14 ratings )
Downloads 11695
Latest Version 0.7
Categories Calendar , Mail , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 4/6/10
Updated on 10/8/15


  • Indespensible zimlet. Should be included in core. 

    By: gabaker on on 4/27/18 for version 0.7

    Have used this zimlet since ZCS 7.x. Love the simple, basic functionality. Receptionist that shares calendars with Sales/Project managers can see their appointment schedule each morning. People can plan their day based on the reminder without having to always check their calendar.
    After upgrading to ZCS 8.8 I was unsure if it would work so did not have it installed initially. Users were very sad. However, the latest version of this is now working for us with ZCS 8.8.8p1 !!
    Could it have more configuration options? Sure. But it does exactly as described and does it well. Thanks for making this zimlet compatible with the latest Zimbra.

  • Great but could use some configuration options... 

    By: REMcycle on on 7/1/15 for version 0.7

    I like this zimlet a lot but, like so many other things in Zimbra, it's something of a "broadsword" solution when what I really want is a "scalpel".For example...in my Calendar tab I've got over 15 Calendars; shared as well as my own.  If I have all of them check-marked, then I'll get all of them in my Appointment Summary email.  If I uncheck all but one, then that one is all I get in the Summary.I would like to be able to configure the zimlet itself to furnish info on specified Calendars, rather than have to go to Calendar and turn them off.Other than that, it really is great having this info sent to me in such a clean and easily-readable manner.

  • Indispensable 

    By: Gonnzo on on 7/1/15 for version 0.7

    Summarizes your daily schedule first thing every morning. Great way to stay organized and on plan.

  • Lifesaver! 

    By: awnz on on 7/1/15 for version 0.7

    This has reminded me of events I would have otherwise completely missed and is very handy. I have just one little feature request: A summary of tomorrow's appointments as well as today's.

  • Picks up events from shared calendars... 

    By: lockhartt on on 7/1/15 for version 0.5

    ...even if you're not a participant in those events.While I like knowing when the Library or Conference Room are scheduled, I don't want to see them in an Appointments list when they don't apply.

  • Bug in 0.7 with ZCS 8.x.x 

    By: John Munro on on 7/1/15 for version 0.7

    See bug:http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=75560

  • Patched Version for 8.x Servers 

    By: jjohnson on on 9/4/13 for version 0.7

    A patched version of this zimlet is available for those running ZCS 8.x or later.See attachment on this bug:http://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=75560

  • needs timed activation rather than login 

    By: mutley59 on on 8/29/11 for version 0.7

    This looks like a great idea however unless you use the webmail access it doesnt work. A timed email for  midnight etc would enable client users like outlook etc to receive the reminders too .. CAn this be done ??

  • Muy buena, la he traducido al español 

    By: jorgedlcruz on on 6/4/11 for version 0.7

    http://www.balanku.com/com_zimbra_apptsummary.zip Enjoy it

  • Virtually useless, as-is 

    By: wtuthill on on 2/2/11 for version 0.7

    It doesn't run until you login to the Web client, so the email reminder appears at the end of all your overnight email, and by the time you finish reading that, you already missed your first morning meeting.Having "tomorrow's appointments" seems like the best enhancement idea.Or, can I schedule the Zimlet to run at 3:00 AM weekdays?

  • I use this everyday 

    By: Mike G on on 5/12/10 for version 0.6

    This give's you a head's up to your schedule for the day.

  • Love it 

    By: Andy from Zimbra on on 5/5/10 for version 0.5

    This is a super handy way to automatically get a view of your day, first thing each morning.

  • No more sticky note meeting reminders 

    By: CAH on on 5/3/10 for version 0.5

    I get a summary of daily meetings that is easy to print and take with me. This is a great zimlet!

  • Perfect way to start the day 

    By: sposetti on on 5/3/10 for version 0.5

    This zimlet really helps with planning and organizing your day.

Older Versions:

Version 0.6

Compatibility ZCS Legacy
Created 7/14/10, 11:43 PM
Toggle description

Every day, when you first login, this Zimlet scans your calendar and sends out a summary email about the current day’s events.

To make it easier to read, the appointments are sorted and divided along two simple categories:  Those that need your immediate attention (e.g confirmed or new events) and others that don’t (those you’ve marked tentative, free, out-of-office, or declined but not yet deleted).

This Zimlet helps both frequent and lite calendaring users in different ways:

  1. For power-users, this is like having a personal assistant; who summarizes appointments for the day, providing a concrete idea as to how many meetings you have.

  2. For general-users, the Zimlet helps in reminding you that there is a meeting to prepare for (in case you’ve forgotten)