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This Zimlet add a button in the new appointment window that allows you to create a Nextcloud Talk meeting from the Zimbra Calendar. Installing This Zimlet depends on the installation of...

Downloads: 371 | Categories: Calendar, Fun, Chat, Video

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Voice Message Zimlet lets you record an audio message using Chrome and Firefox on the desktop. Playback will also work on Android, for Apple devices one must install VLC app from the app...

Downloads: 556 | Categories: Fun, Mail

( 1 ratings )

ZCal is a Zimbra calendar sync client for Android. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default Calendar app. ZCal does not rely on CalDav or Excange...

Downloads: 6353 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, Fun, Mail, Social, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

ZCard is a Zimbra contacts sync client for Android. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default People / Contacts app. ZCard does not rely on CardDav or...

Downloads: 3459 | Categories: Contacts, Fun, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Telecom, Utilities

( 3 ratings )

Downloads: 2974 | Categories: Fun, Social

This zimlet shows weather information in Japan in miniCal area and on a dialog box.    Features: You can use your location information on Firefox and Chrome. You can select a...

Downloads: 1624 | Categories: Fun, Utilities

( 6 ratings )

Admin Update (7/14/2012): People have reported that the zimlet doesn't work in few cases. If you are using a zimbra desktop then, *please make sure that you have the necessary proxy set in...

Downloads: 8538 | Categories: Fun, Utilities

( 4 ratings )

What is Groupon? "Groupon negotiates huge discounts—usually 50-90% off—with popular businesses. We send the deals to thousands of subscribers in our free daily email, and we send the businesses a...

Downloads: 2483 | Categories: Fun

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet allows you to search Wikipedia right from the Zimbra Web Client. Release Notes: Version 1.0 adds support to automatically use language specific wikipedia based on user's locale. i.e....

Downloads: 6364 | Categories: Fun, Mail, Utilities

( 10 ratings )

This Zimlet comes with 25+ country holiday calendars (courtesy of ical.mac.com). Click on the Zimlet panel icon and Subscribe to one or more holiday calendars.

Downloads: 11206 | Categories: Calendar, Fun

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet brings about many top RSS feeds across four categories ("Top Stories", "Finance", "Politics" & "Technology") into Zimbra. Click the Zimlet panel icon and Subscribe to your favorite...

Downloads: 6634 | Categories: Fun, Mail, Social, Utilities

( 3 ratings )

Often you find yourself on message threads on topics that do not interest you. And the constant back-and-forth of messages keeps cluttering your Inbox. Now you can ignore messages by selecting the...

Downloads: 5075 | Categories: Fun, Mail, Utilities

( 2 ratings )

If you have ever seen a funny or profound quote below someone's email signature, this Zimlet brings that feature to Zimbra. You can select from nearly 40 categories of quotes (from www.quotedb.com).

Downloads: 3179 | Categories: Fun, Mail

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There are many cool and creative skins/themes available for Zimbra. This Zimlet enables users to configure to automatically change skin based on a user preference. For example: "Every Monday" or...

Downloads: 5190 | Categories: Fun, Mail

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This Zimlet allows users to preview and compare skins by opening multiple Zimbra Web Client instances, each with a different skin.

Downloads: 2520 | Categories: Fun, Mail


By: rrao

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Searches the Amazon.com site for books based on the ISBN identifier. Double-click on Amazon Zimlet panel icon to display a search dialog. Type any search keyword and click search. The Amazon.com...

Downloads: 4066 | Categories: Fun


By: rrao

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The Evite Zimlet integrates your Evite events into your Zimbra calendar. Right-click on the Evite panel icon and save your Evite login information (username and password). Then click Calendar...

Downloads: 4284 | Categories: Calendar, Developer Tools, Fun, Social, Utilities