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Weather in Japan Zimlet

By: MIRAIT Information Systems

This zimlet shows weather information in Japan in miniCal area and on a dialog box. 



  • You can use your location information on Firefox and Chrome.
  • You can select a specific location in Japan.


How to use it:

  1. Right-click "Weather" on Zimlet Tree
  2. Click "Setting" and then a preference dialog is shown.
  3. Click "OK" and then the setting is saved.
  4. Single-click "Weather" on Zimlet Tree. Weather information is shown in miniCal area.
  5. Single-click it again. It hides and miniCal is shown.
  6. Double-click "Weather" on Zimlet Tree. Weather information is shown on a dialog box.
  7. Click "OK". The dialog is closed.

If the zimlet cannot get your location although you choose to use it, weather in the location you select will be shown. 



You need to get Yahoo! Japan Application ID and replace the value of appId in init function.

var appId = "XXXX";


Available languages:

  • English
  • Japanese



This zimlet supports only three cities. Please add more cities as needed.


If you want to provide comments or contact us, please send an email to zimlet-info@miraitsystems.jp


MIRAIT Information Systems Co., Ltd.



Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 1612
Latest Version 1.0
Categories Fun , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS 7.x
License No License Specified
Created on 7/4/13
Updated on 10/4/15