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Zimbra Social Zimlet

By: eranyarkon


Rating ( 3 ratings )
Downloads 2951
Latest Version 3.7
Categories Fun , Social
Compatibility ZCS 8.0.x
License No License Specified
Created on 8/15/13
Updated on 10/8/15


  • even twitter account working 

    By: kishore on on 9/9/15 for version 3.7

    since twitter has changed its API version to 1.1, I am not able to add twitter account in social zimlet.. please any one can help me?

  • Facebook account not adding 

    By: mebsites on on 5/7/15 for version 3.7

    I have installed Zimbra Social Zimlet version 3.7 and it working fine and I able to add twitter account successfully but not able to add facebook account. Please  help me to fix facebook issue.Is there any new version come for Zimbra Social Zimlet? 

  • Facebook Problem 

    By: michael.ortiz on on 8/29/13 for version 3.7

    The twitter feature works flawlessly.  Although, Facebook does not work.  When clicking 'Go To Facebook', nothing pops up.  Has anyone else had this issue?