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Email Quotes

By: rrao

If you have ever seen a funny or profound quote below someone's email signature, this Zimlet brings that feature to Zimbra. You can select from nearly 40 categories of quotes (from www.quotedb.com).


Rating ( 2 ratings )
Downloads 3159
Latest Version 0.5
Categories Fun , Mail
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 1/9/09
Updated on 10/4/15


  • Fixed following SteveCOM guideline. 

    By: mitesh.choksi on on 9/5/16 for version 0.5

    Updated the .js file by replacing the "AjxStringUtil.urlComponentEncode(feed)" with "feed"

  • Fixed by 

    By: SteveCOM on on 7/1/15 for version 0.5

    I was able to fix this by replacing    var pfeed = ZmZimletBase.PROXY + AjxStringUtil.urlComponentEncode(feed); with var pfeed = ZmZimletBase.PROXY + feed The issues is with AjxStringUtil.urlComponentEncode(feed);

  • Good zimlet 

    By: mitesh.choksi on on 5/28/11 for version 0.5

    Several of my colleagues including me a have been using this zimlet. We now migrated to ZCS  7.1 Community Edition. The Zimlet seems to not work now. Is there a way to troubleshoot and fix on my own? Where would I start looking for problems (log files, debug messages)?