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Click to Call Zimlet

By: rrao

This Zimlet provides generic integration to perform click to call from within Zimbra. For example: If you see a phone number in an email or a contact, you can click on it and initiate call from your work phone to the number you clicked.

This Zimlet currently integrates with Mitel's (http://mitel.com/) voice servers and system admins will have to do the following changes before using it.

Configuration details:

Unzip the zimlet

In config_template.xml:

Change allowedDomains and click2call_server values to point to your instance of the voice servers.




Make change to ZmClick2Call.js to set current user info. 

this.toPhoneNumber = "";

this.email = "";

this.password = "";

PS: You don't need this step you setup single signon on Mitel or have some other way to get user's info into the Zimlet.


To modify Zimlet for other providers:

You only need to change the APIs inside ZmClick2CallProviderAPIs.js




Rating ( 2 ratings )
Downloads 3827
Latest Version 0.3
Categories Telecom
Compatibility ZD 7.0.x , ZD 7.1.x
License No License Specified
Created on 2/12/12
Updated on 10/8/15


  • Asterisk 

    By: 50asm on on 7/1/15 for version 0.3

    Is there anyway to configure this with asterisk or FreeSWITCH? The reson I ask is the Asterisk zimlet does not work on version 7+. Thank you!

  • Customization help 

    By: amernet on on 2/9/15 for version 0.3

    Hello,I use different VoIP platform with their own RESTFUL API and need help with Zimlet customization and programming.Please advise how to contact you.Thank you!Charles