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There are many cool and creative skins/themes available for Zimbra. This Zimlet enables users to configure to automatically change skin based on a user preference. For example: "Every Monday" or...

Downloads: 4831 | Categories: Fun, Mail

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet helps you refine your current search. After performing a search with several results, you can use the Search Refiner Zimlet to quickly refine the search, for example, to show only...

Downloads: 2006 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

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Autocomplete Search History: This Zimlet stores all of your searches in the top-search field and uses that information to auto-complete next-time you perform a search. Autocomplete Advanced Search...

Downloads: 2130 | Categories: Mail, Utilities


By: rrao

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Searches the Amazon.com site for books based on the ISBN identifier. Double-click on Amazon Zimlet panel icon to display a search dialog. Type any search keyword and click search. The Amazon.com...

Downloads: 3793 | Categories: Fun


By: rrao

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The Evite Zimlet integrates your Evite events into your Zimbra calendar. Right-click on the Evite panel icon and save your Evite login information (username and password). Then click Calendar...

Downloads: 3955 | Categories: Calendar, Developer Tools, Fun, Social, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet allows you to easily add all participants in an email conversation to your address book. Simply drag-and-drop a conversation or message onto the Zimlet panel icon and all participant...

Downloads: 8141 | Categories: Contacts, Mail, Utilities