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By: rrao

When someone sends an email, in most cases, the mail client application (like Zimbra or Microsoft Outlook) will include mail client information in the "X-Mailer" message header. This mailer Zimlet checks for the "X-Mailer" message header and if present, displays the information below the message subject (when the message is opened).


Rating ( 3 ratings )
Downloads 4755
Latest Version 1.2
Categories Developer Tools , Mail , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 1/9/09
Updated on 10/7/15


  • New version 

    By: manens on on 2/20/15 for version 1.2

    Hi, I created a new version compatible with zimbra 8.6 here :https://github.com/manens/com_zimbra_xmailerhttps://github.com/manens/com_zimbra_xmailer/releases/download/v1.4/com_zimbra_xmailer.zipBest regards,

  • Missing the zimlet... 

    By: miteshpc on on 10/24/13 for version 1.2

    Any changes to get this for latest Zimbra? I miss it a lot. Any pointers as to how to make it work to Zimbra or what to start changing to make it work? Once direction is given, I can put in my time to get it working.

  • Very Helpful 

    By: mmorse on on 7/19/10 for version 1.2

    Great to quickly see who was mobile if they don't say so outright in signature - or using an older client.