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Attach Contacts

By: rrao

Attach Contacts Zimlet - Allows you to easily attach contacts in vCard(.vcf) format from Address Book to the mail being composed.

  You can attach Contacts in two different places:

    1. In Mail Compose window, click on "Add Attachments" dialog  > Click on "Contacts" tab and select contacts to attach, then press OK
    1. Go to Address Book, Select one or more Contacts and press "Send" Contacts button - This will attach those contacts and opens up a new compose window.


Release Notes:

  1. Please Note: Needs at least ZCS 6.0.8 (not 6.0.7)
  2. Version 0.5 has few more important bug fixes like compose-focus bug
  3. Version 0.4 is the latest and has few bug fixes
  4. Version 0.3 Shipped with ZCS



Rating ( 3 ratings )
Downloads 7897
Latest Version 0.5
Categories Contacts , Mail , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 8/26/10
Updated on 10/5/15


  • very handy 

    By: Andy from Zimbra on on 7/1/15 for version 0.4

    It's super-convenient now having one interface for adding attachments, emails and contacts.  This works very smoothly.

  • New Message button functionality broken after installing the zimlet (ZCS 8.0.8). 

    By: tvizirov on on 11/3/14 for version 0.5

    Just to confirm that the zimlet causes issues with ZCS 8.0.8:Issue:1. Install zimlet2. Try to compose new e-mail by clicking on "New Message" button. Result:Nothing happens after clicking on the "New Message button" -- Disabling the zimlet made the composing possible.     

  • Broken in ZD 8 

    By: unc0nnected on on 5/27/14 for version 0.5

    Causes the following error in Zimbra Desktop 8: Script Error: appCtxt.getViewTypeFromId is not a function - nodev_all.js:606
    File: 606Error: TypeErrorStack:

    ("LOADING",false)@"onShowView",[object Array])@"onShowView",[object Array])@"LOADING",(void 0),false)@"LOADING",(void 0),false)@"LOADING")@[object
    Object],null,true)@[object Object],[object Object])@"Options")@[object Object])@[object Object])@[object Object])@"SELECTION",[object Object])@"SELECTION",[object Object])@[object Object])@[object Object])@[object Object])@"SELECTION",[object Object])@"SELECTION",[object Object])@[object Object])@[object Object])@[object Object])@[object Object])@"onmouseup",[object Object])@"onmouseup",[object Object])@[object
    MouseEvent],"onmouseup",[object Object],[object
    Object])@[object MouseEvent],[object Object],[object Object])@[object MouseEvent])@  

Older Versions:

Version 0.4

Compatibility ZCS Legacy
Created 9/4/10, 4:10 PM
Toggle description

Attach Contacts Zimlet - Allows you to easily attach contacts in vCard(.vcf) format from Address Book to the mail being composed.

  You can attach Contacts in two different places:

    1. In Mail Compose window, click on "Add Attachments" dialog  > Click on "Contacts" tab and select contacts to attach, then press OK
    1. Go to Address Book, Select one or more Contacts and press "Send" Contacts button - This will attach those contacts and opens up a new compose window.


Release Notes:

  1. Please Note: Needs at least ZCS 6.0.8 (not 6.0.7)
  2. Version 0.4 is the latest and has few bug fixes
  3. Version 0.3 Shipped with ZCS