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Google Maps from Zimbra

By: rrao

This Zimlet parses postal addresses and displays Google(R) maps in the tooltip. Clicking on the address opens Google.

It currently supports addresses for US, JA & most EU countries that Zimbra supports. 


Release Notes:

Version 0.2: Added support for Australian addresses

Version 0.3: Fixes https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=59889


Rating ( 14 ratings )
Downloads 16372
Latest Version 0.3
Categories Calendar , Mail
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 3/16/11
Updated on 10/8/15


  • Use it every day 

    By: GregA on on 7/1/15 for version 0.1

  • Needs work for Europe countries 

    By: rosch on on 7/1/15 for version 0.3

    So far I didn't get any address in Europe working.

  • Doesn't work in Zimbra 7! 

    By: myriad on on 7/1/15 for version 0.3

    Shows up as an installed Zimbra in the admin console but does not work in Zimbra Desktop or the Web client. No documentation either!  How do you troubleshoot this? Basically a useless Zimlet...

  • Great zimlet! 

    By: andresneva on on 7/1/15 for version 0.3

    It works perfectly on our ZCS 7.1.1, i just wanted to ask, what can i do or how can i help for it to work on other countries? for example Colombia, Chile, or Peru?

  • Painful 

    By: bmw on on 8/27/12 for version 0.3

    What is painful about this Zimlet is that the address must be all in one line. Here in the states, folks haven't fully adopted that yet as they are still conditioned to what goes on a snail mail envelope. I had to change my signature to demonstrate it to staff.

  • コーチ  

    By: etevySumemith on on 8/14/12 for version 0.3


    http://www.coachbayi.com/ コーチアウトレット
    http://www.coachbayi.com/ コーチa
    http://www.coachbayi.com/ コーチ財布
    http://www.coachbayi.com/ コーチ店舗

  • Multi-Line Addresses 

    By: Tom Kenney on on 6/19/12 for version 0.3

    I'd like to agree with Peter's suggestion about multi-line addresses.  This is the most common (maybe centuries old?) standard for English language correspondence, and very often used now electronically.Besides this issue, this is a very nice extension.  Thanks! Tom

  • Feature Request... 

    By: pbrunnen on on 7/8/11 for version 0.2

    This would be great if it could ignore <CR> and or <LF> in the address versus only when it resides on one line.  This happens in many email signatures... i.e.123 Any StreetAnytown, AZ  12345 Thanks!  -Cheers, Peter.

  • Does Not Work For Me :( 

    By: gantscha on on 7/4/11 for version 0.2

    Would not highlight any Adress :( Zimbra 7.1 Zimlet Version = 0.2Tried it with German Language and with English Language -> No luck for me...

  • Problems with spain address 

    By: kaneda on on 6/10/11 for version 0.2

    ZIMBRA 7.1.1 Ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS x64ZIMLET do not recognise address format would be nice if you can update with this format: [Street Number] [postal code],[ town], [province/region], [country]as an example Avenida de la albufera 87, 28038 Madrid, spain.(in the above example case town or city and province/region are the same so its no repeated.) Many thanks  

  • Not working on with Portuguese 

    By: aspiro on on 4/20/11 for version 0.2

    Hi I am not able to have this zimlet working on 7.1 community using Portuguese, it does work however using english.

  • Possible Problem in 7.1 

    By: jasonm on on 4/13/11 for version 0.2

    Is there some documentation on this zimlet?I am having some problems getting it to show up in fresh install of 7.1.  I want to make sure I am setting it up correctly.

  • Doesnt seem to work with Italy 

    By: info95 on on 4/1/11 for version 0.2

    Don't work with italian language.

  • Doesnt seem to work with ZCS7 

    By: tgerdes on on 3/27/11 for version 0.1

    Loaded app, but it doesnt appear in Zimlets panel in mail browser

    • Zimlet don't have to show up in the left panel. Thats just a feature available for Zimlet developer. Generally we show it in the left panel when we need people to configure or drag-drop an email or something. 

      Replied on 3/28/11

Older Versions:

Version 0.2

Compatibility ZCS Legacy
Created 8/9/11, 10:26 PM
Toggle description

This Zimlet parses postal addresses and displays Google(R) maps in the tooltip. Clicking on the address opens Google.

It currently supports addresses for US, JA & most EU countries that Zimbra supports. 


Release Notes:

Version 0.2: Added support for Australian addresses

Version 0.1

Compatibility ZCS Legacy
Created 3/16/11, 6:05 AM
Toggle description

This Zimlet parses postal addresses and displays Google(R) maps in the tooltip. Clicking on the address opens Google.

It currently supports addresses for most countries that Zimbra supports.