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Tasks Reminder

By: rrao

Once a day (after first login), this Zimlet searches for Tasks (including shared Tasks) and displays a list of all Tasks that are overdue, in-progress, etc. This list is shown only for Tasks that are due 2 weeks (14 days) from today's date. And will continue to show a Task for 2-weeks past due-date. This date range is configurable. You can also "Send Email" about a Task which helps with follow-up.


Rating ( 7 ratings )
Downloads 6135
Latest Version 2.3
Categories Mail , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 6/20/09
Updated on 10/6/15


  • Also works well with ZD 2.0 

    By: tkurth on on 7/1/15 for version 2.3

    Nice to have, no installation issues with ZD 2.0, and works very well for me.

  • Upgrade Request for ZCS 7.x 

    By: css on on 12/5/11 for version 2.3

    hi rrao,  I could install this zimlet in ZCS 7.1.3 without any issues. but not working, as it supports only upto ZCS 6.x. can you please release a newer one which supports ZCS 7.x also (asap). 

  • Local Folder only on Desktop 

    By: noobinator on on 10/21/11 for version 2.3

    works great in the web UI but on zimbra desktop i'm having the same issues as jeyraud, only provides updates for local folders. Would love to get this to work as my clients use the tasks a lot for payment schedules, any ideas?

  • Feature request 

    By: georgiacmt on on 5/6/11 for version 2.3

    This is a great little Zimlet that makes the Tasks feature in Zimbra genuinely useful.  One small tweak that would make it even better would be to add a print button to the popup reminder list.  Since the reminder is displayed only once a day, on first login, the option to print it extends its usefulness.  Thanks!

  • Only provides update for Tasks in Local Folders 

    By: jeyraud on on 3/29/11 for version 2.3

    I'm using Zimbra Desktop 2.  How do I get the app to provide a reminder for Tasks in my main Tasks folder?

  • Rename it to work 

    By: gaetan on on 5/24/10 for version 2.3

    you have to rename it deleting the _0 to make it works

  • Installation fails 

    By: aknoerig on on 5/11/10 for version 2.3