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Zimlet Sideloader Modern UI

By: zimbra

The Zimlet Sideloader provides an easy way to run Zimlets for development and testing purposes without having to actually deploy a Zimlet on your server.

The Sideloader itself is also a Zimlet that you need to deploy and enable on your development server. You only have to do this step once.

yum install zimbra-zimlet-sideloader
apt install zimbra-zimlet-sideloader
su - zimbra
zmmailboxdctl restart

Verify that the Sideloader Zimlet is available and enabled for your Zimbra Class of Service (CoS) by logging into the Admin UI -> Home -> Configure -> Class of Service.

Verify that the Sideloader Zimlet is available and enabled for your Zimbra and account by logging into the Admin UI -> Home -> Manage -> Accounts.

To develop your own Zimlets please read the guides under helpful links.

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Rating ( 1 ratings )
Downloads 896
Latest Version 0.0.1
Categories Developer Tools
Compatibility ZCS 9.0.x , ZCS 10.0.x
License Network Edition License
Created on 4/5/22
Updated on 4/5/22