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Social Justice Zimlet Modern UI

By: zimbra

Create awareness by using the Social Justice Zimlet. The Social Justice Zimlet will suggest alternative words to use while the user is typing a new email.

For example if the user where to type blacklist the Social Justice Zimlet would suggest to use the word deny list. Or in case the user types master the suggestion would be to use the word primary.

The full list of suggestions can be found in the helpful links.

This Zimlet was added to the Zimlet Gallery on July 1st of 2021. July 1 is Ketikoti day and marks the date when slavery was abolished in Suriname see helpful links.

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Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 478
Latest Version 0.0.1
Categories Social
Compatibility ZCS 9.0.x , ZCS 10.0.x
License BSD 3-Clause
Created on 7/1/21
Updated on 7/2/21