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Open Drive - Zimbra and Nextcloud integration Features: Use Zimbra credentials in Nextcloud. Navigate Nextcloud files inside Zimbra. Manage Nextcloud files inside Zimbra (upload, move, rename,...

Downloads: 30 | Categories: Photos and Files

Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security to your Zimbra login. Thanks to a third-party authenticator such as Google Authenticator Zimbra users are now required to enter a...

Downloads: 326 | Categories: Two Factor Authentication

( 2 ratings )

bSmtp allows you to use a different SMTP server than the Zimbra one. Please check the documentation that you will find on "Helpful links". It contains documentation for the admin user, final...

Downloads: 2063 | Categories: Mail

( 25 ratings )

zSuitecrm zSuitecrm is a zimlet for Zimbra Collaboration Suite. This project aims for integration of received mails between Zimbra and SuiteCRM. zSuitecrm allows to add a mail and their...

Downloads: 20395 | Categories: CRM