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By: adrian.gibanel.btactic

bSmtp allows you to use a different SMTP server than the Zimbra one.

Please check the documentation that you will find on "Helpful links". It contains documentation for the admin user, final user and it is written in English, Spanish and Catala.

Depending on https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=79127 being fixed or not this zimlet might become obsolete for ZCS 8.7 if the functionality comes natively in Zimbra.

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Rating ( 2 ratings )
Downloads 2077
Latest Version 1.02
Categories Mail
Compatibility ZCS 8.5/ZCS 8.6 , ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x
License GNU GPL v3
Created on 5/5/16
Updated on 6/14/18


  • amazing! but need the multi-account feature 

    By: Xardas999 on on 1/23/17 for version 1.01

    The idea is amazing! Thank you and I would donate for it. BUT in most situations you have more than 1 external account. So the most expecting feature would be the multi-account support in your Zimlet.