By: jwagner
Provides integration with Dropbox for attaching a Dropbox file to a new message as well as saving attachments to Dropbox.
Please see the README file as this Zimlet requires registering an app with Dropbox in order to make it work. Also if your server is behind a proxy you'll need to put in your proxy info in the dropBoxDownload.jsp.
Please report issues at as this is zimlet is not supported by Zimbra.
This Zimlet currently only works with Zimbra 8 Ajax client.
This Zimlet is not affliated with Dropbox.
Rating | ( 6 ratings ) |
Downloads | 12131 |
Latest Version | 1.3_6.0.0.20130305.092800 |
Categories | Mail , Photos and Files |
Compatibility | ZCS 7.x , ZCS 8.0.x |
License | No License Specified |
Created | on 2/6/13 |
Updated | on 10/8/15 |
By: kelsen on on 7/13/15 for version 1.3_6.0.0.20130305.092800
It showed up on attach menu and even opened the window to select the file, but it just won't attach. The attach field is kept blank.
By: Andy from Zimbra on on 7/1/15 for version 1.0_6.0.0.20130211.090303
Very useful to be able to add/save files to/from Dropbox
By: pieralessandro on on 7/1/15 for version 1.0_6.0.0.20130211.090303
Thanks a lot for this great zimlet.It works very well and it's extremely useful in sending large attachments.
By: Muziekfan on on 7/1/15 for version 1.3_6.0.0.20130305.092800
Installed this on Zimbra 8.6.0. GA
It does not show up in the user interface under Zimlets.
For a second a new item showed up with cryptic name, then it disappeared.
Could be incompatible with 8.6
By: timmcneely on on 8/3/13 for version 1.3_6.0.0.20130305.092800
Not sure how to trouble shoot this one. Seems like it would be a great zimlet. An error occurred while initializing the zimlet "com_zimbra_dropbox". Please notify administrator. TypeError: appCtxt.getViewTypeFromId is not a function
By: MKersloot on on 5/2/12 for version 1.0_6.0.0.20130211.090303
A bit a hassle to setup, but after that it works great.
MKersloot, thanks for your tanslations and code contributions to the GitHub repository!
Replied on 3/5/13
Compatibility | ZCS 7.x , ZCS 8.0.x |
Created | 3/5/13, 4:34 AM |
Provides integration with Dropbox for attaching a Dropbox file to a new message as well as saving attachments to Dropbox.
Please see the README file as this Zimlet requires registering an app with Dropbox in order to make it work. Also if your server is behind a proxy you'll need to put in your proxy info in the dropBoxDownload.jsp.
Please report issues at as this is zimlet is not supported by Zimbra.
This Zimlet currently only works with Zimbra 8 Ajax client.
This Zimlet is not affliated with Dropbox.
Compatibility | ZCS 7.x , ZCS 8.0.x |
Created | 2/12/13, 5:04 AM |
Provides integration with Dropbox for attaching a Dropbox file to a new message as well as saving attachments to Dropbox.
Please see the README file as this Zimlet requires registering an app with Dropbox in order to make it work. Also if your server is behind a proxy you'll need to put in your proxy info in the dropBoxDownload.jsp.
Please report issues at as this is zimlet is not supported by Zimbra.
This Zimlet currently only works with Zimbra 8 Ajax client.
This Zimlet is not affliated with Dropbox.
Compatibility | ZCS 7.x , ZCS 8.0.x |
Created | 2/6/13, 6:40 AM |
Provides integration with Dropbox for attaching a Dropbox file to a new message as well as saving attachments to Dropbox.
Please see the README file as this Zimlet requires registering an app with Dropbox in order to make it work. Also if your server is behind a proxy you'll need to put in your proxy info in the dropBoxDownload.jsp.
Please report issues at as this is zimlet is not supported by Zimbra.
This Zimlet currently only works with Zimbra 8 Ajax client.
This Zimlet is not affliated with Dropbox.