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Asterisk PBX Integration Zimlet

By: chlauber

The main focus of this Zimlet is dial-on-click for Phone numbers inside Contacts and Emails.

  • Uses Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)
  • Dial on-click in Contacts and Emails
  • Edit Phone number before dialing
  • Send SMS (Needs asterisk SMS() application)
  • Create a new Contact from a Phone number
  • Configurable search URL

Also Check Zimlets Project Website http://www.bnc.ch/ch-bnc-asterisk.html for more information, install instructions and download. If the phone number is recognized you will see a popup. Just click the phone number to dial. There is also a context menu with more options.

Not compatible with ZCS 8


Rating ( 9 ratings )
Downloads 10161
Latest Version 0.65
Categories Contacts , Mail , Telecom
Compatibility ZCS 7.x
License No License Specified
Created on 2/4/09
Updated on 10/7/15


  • Excellent Zimlet 

    By: volga629 on on 7/1/15 for version 0.65

    Is possible improve regex that numbers like this 123-345-567will be catch up.

  • Help!! 

    By: arun.shetty on on 7/1/15 for version 0.65

    Hi Chlauber,This seems like an awesome addition!! Does this zimlet require any special configuration? How can we tell it to use an asterisk server? Does it require Asterisk to be installed on the zimbra machine or can it make use of an existing asterisk installation on a different box?Perhaps my whole understanding of how to make use of this zimlet is wrong...can you please help me?Best Regards,Arun Shetty.

  • I have used this for a while... 

    By: mstroven on on 7/1/15 for version 0.65

    It works great for us on Zimbra 6, but would really like to move to Zimbra 8, and so far, no success....  

  • ZCS 8 compatibility? 

    By: sysadmin@boston-engineering.com on on 7/1/15 for version 0.65

    If this isn't compatible with ZCS8 why does it say compatible with ZCS 7 or later??? Are there any plans to continue this project and make it compatible?

  • latest version on sourceforge 

    By: stegbth on on 9/3/13 for version 0.65

    Hi,why is the latest version on sourceforge instead here?http://sourceforge.net/projects/ch-bnc-asterisk/courioustom

  • FreeSWITCH 

    By: chuck20 on on 2/2/12 for version 0.65

    We are looking for a FreeSWITCH Zimlet as well.Anyone working on this?


    By: 50asm on on 12/29/11 for version 0.65

    is the perfect addition to Zimbra!! GREAT WORK!!

    out there know if there is any plans for a similar Zimlet for

  • Good integration 

    By: kontrabant on on 4/20/11 for version 0.65

    Had some issues, but I resolved them.THX 

  • dialer 

    By: jaydani on on 3/27/11 for version 0.65

    I think most people do not even know what this is or does.  Perhaps if you build a similar app that dials from google voice or gtalk many people would use it.