The Zimlet gallery is the best place to find and publish extensions for Zimbra.
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Zextras Suite powers up Zimbra Open Source Edition. Zextras supports Zimbra SysAdmin to provide real-time backup, storage optimization up to 80% thanks to deduplication, compression, and...
Downloads: 1797 | Categories:
Use this zimlet to quickly change the state of a task without the need to open the full edit pane. To make use of this zimlet: Select one or more tasks. Click on the new toolbar option "Mark...
Downloads: 2722 | Categories: Utilities
Yet another Contact Cleaner for your enjoyment, it features: Automatically detect possible duplicate contacts: identifies duplicates by email and name. Manually merge contacts: for everything...
In 7.1.x, People search doesn't show photos as it doesn't know how to construct URL to the photo. This Zimlet ( along with LDAP changes) provide a way to solve this issue. Please go...
Downloads: 2103 | Categories: Utilities
This zimlet is used to allow you to shorten the ugly long briefcase file URL to share with other. You can choose any of the three shorten url providers,, or, in the...
Downloads: 2404 | Categories: Photos and Files, Utilities
The zimlet can check and trace the real-time delivery information, transmitted by Chinese popular logistics companies. Those logistics companies are the biggest support for almost Chinese...
Downloads: 3472 | Categories:
What is Groupon? "Groupon negotiates huge discounts—usually 50-90% off—with popular businesses. We send the deals to thousands of subscribers in our free daily email, and we send the businesses a...
Downloads: 2466 | Categories: Fun
This Zimlet parses postal addresses and displays Google(R) maps in the tooltip. Clicking on the address opens Google. It currently supports addresses for US, JA & most EU countries that...
This extension determines language for spell check from the message.It installs text_cat and replaces the default aspell.php. When a user select spell check, aspell.php determines the language...
Downloads: 5870 | Categories: Mail, Translations, Utilities
This zimlet allows user to automaticaly request a read receipt for each mail sent. Available languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portugues (Brazil), Russian, Spanish Works on ZCS 6+, 7+...
Downloads: 25875 | Categories: Mail
zSuitecrm zSuitecrm is a zimlet for Zimbra Collaboration Suite. This project aims for integration of received mails between Zimbra and SuiteCRM. zSuitecrm allows to add a mail and their...
Downloads: 20403 | Categories: CRM
By: lfasci
This zimlet allows you to save locally on your PC, messages, folders or conversations. Just drag messages, a conversation or a folder on the zimlet's icon to get a compressed file containing the...
Lot of companies want to force enable read receipt so that all the emails will ask for Read Receipts and get confirmation. At the same time, it also becomes annoying if employees have to manually...
Add Smartsheet for online project management, simple sales pipeline management and other types of collaborative work management. Smartsheet features include: Flexible spreadsheet-like interface...
By: rrao
Attach Contacts Zimlet - Allows you to easily attach contacts in vCard(.vcf) format from Address Book to the mail being composed. You can attach Contacts in two different places: In...
This Zimlet give you the ability to embed a TimeSheet Next Gen into your Zimbra 6 Installation.
Downloads: 3811 | Categories: Calendar
Take back control of your Inbox! Inbox Zero for Zimbra implements Merlin Mann's productivity process as a mail message toolbar. This zimlet lets you...
Automatically converts your company's blog posts into email-signature and helps dramatically improve quality and quantity of your blog's reach by democratizing it. As you know almost every...
Downloads: 4221 | Categories: Mail
This Zimlet Highlights the search text using Yellow background after a search. We think this is extremely helpful especially when we are dealing with emails with a large body. It also...
Downloads: 4626 | Categories: Mail