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Trace package delivery in China

By: tony@qin

The zimlet can check and trace the real-time delivery information, transmitted by Chinese popular logistics companies. Those logistics companies are the biggest support for almost Chinese e-business companies (like Alibaba, Taobao, DangDang, Jingdong, etc.). The zimlet is very useful for zimbra in China.

Currently, the delivery companies supported by the zimlet: "TianTian","ShenTong","ShunFeng"  and "EMS". Before activate the zimlet, the zimbra mail client needs to be in Chinese environment. (i.e. choose simpled chinese as current language).





Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 3493
Latest Version 0.2
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 5/23/11
Updated on 10/4/15

Older Versions:

Version 0.2

Compatibility ZCS Legacy
Created 5/23/11, 8:12 AM
Toggle description

The zimlet can check and trace the real-time delivery information, transmitted by Chinese popular logistics companies. Those logistics companies are the biggest support for almost Chinese e-business companies (like Alibaba, Taobao, DangDang, Jingdong, etc.). The zimlet is very useful for zimbra in China.

Currently, the delivery companies supported by the zimlet: "TianTian","ShenTong","ShunFeng"  and "EMS". Before activate the zimlet, the zimbra mail client needs to be in Chinese environment. (i.e. choose simpled chinese as current language).