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Undo Send

By: zimbra

Undo Send Zimlet: Delays mail-send for few(upto 120) seconds.

If you have sent an email and immediately thought you shouldn't have sent it or want to change something and want to quickly undo, then, this Zimlet is for you.

** How it works:**

After we press "Send" button in mail compose, instead of sending mail instantly, you will see a count-down pop-up allowing you to quickly "Undo". It also has an option to "Send Now" if we are pretty confident :)

** Preferences:**

  • The delay time is defaulted to 7 seconds. But the amount of time to delay can be configured and can be from 3 seconds to 120 seconds. Click on the Zimlet in the overview panel to change it.

** Release Notes:**

Version 1.4:

**-  Attempts to solve https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=60563

Version 1.3:

  • Made it compatible with 7.x with Send Later option.

Version 1.0

  • Needs at least ZCS 6.0.7 - Works in Compose-in-new window as well

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Rating ( 20 ratings )
Downloads 17508
Latest Version 2.0
Categories Mail
Compatibility ZCS 8.8.x , ZCS 9.0.x
License Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0
Created on 7/28/10
Updated on 9/1/22


  • Great extension, found versior working in 8.8.9 in github 

    By: condealisson on on 9/21/18 for version 1.4

    Hi guys, i've found a working version in https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/zimlets-foss

    Download the project and compact the files in zimlets-foss-master.zip\Zimlet\src\zimlet\com_zimbra_undosend\ to a com_zimbra_undosend.zip archive and ejoy ;), working fine in my ZCS 8.8.9.

    P.S.: Thank you kkto for this hint!

    • New version added for Zimbra 8.8.15 and Zimbra 9. 

      Replied on 12/3/21

  • It doesn 

    By: kkato on on 2/23/17 for version 1.4

    The zimlet does not work with ZCS 8.7.1. When "Send" button is clicked, the message is not sent due to a script error.
    On the other hand, undosend zimlet on git works.
    $ cd ~/git/zimbra-foss/
    $ git checkout judaspriest-871-foss
    $ cd ~/git/zimbra-foss/Zimlet/src/zimlet/com_zimbra_undosend/
    $ zip com_zimbra_undosend.zip *

    • New version added for Zimbra 8.8.15 and Zimbra 9. 

      Replied on 12/3/21

  • Amazing Zimlet ! It helps us a lot. 

    By: fs.schmidt on on 10/7/16 for version 1.4

    The zimlet worked great in Zimbra 8.7.

    • New version added for Zimbra 8.8.15 and Zimbra 9. 

      Replied on 12/3/21

  • Does this work with Zimbra 8.5_GA 3056? 

    By: tamrodriguez3 on on 3/8/16 for version 1.4

    We really could use this zimlet if it works with our version

  • Can't hit enter with Zimbra 8.6 P5 

    By: ouzmoutous on on 1/13/16 for version 1.4

    Since I installed Patch 5, this Zimlet block the Send button. Do you think there will be any updates on this wonderfull Zimlet ?

  • Doesn't work for us... 

    By: lockhartt on on 7/1/15 for version 1.4

    Don't know if it's becuase we're on 7.2, or because we have automatic spellcheck enabled, but the Undo Send dialog never appears regardless of the the number of seconds set in the preferences.

  • great 

    By: bhlevca on on 7/1/15 for version 1.4

    It just works. Not much to tell about it.

  • Not working with keyboard shortcuts 

    By: nivekmai on on 7/1/15 for version 1.4

    The only way that I send emails is with CTRL+Enter. This doesn't trigger when I hit that button, if you make it work with the shortcut it'll be one of the best zimlets.

  • Conflicts with Inbox Zero 

    By: jamescape777 on on 7/1/15 for version 1.0

    This is a fantastically usesful extension, except the equally fantastic Inbox Zero zimlet doesn't work properly if Undo Send is enabled...

  • When the subjet of e-mail is missing, the zimlet is not working 

    By: NOZIL on on 7/1/15 for version 1.3

    When you forgot the subjet of your e-mail, another poppup window warn you, then the undo send Zimlet does not pop up !

  • Great work! 

    By: aitormartinezvalderrama on on 7/1/15 for version 1.0

    Great work! It works fine. Thanks.

  • awesome! 

    By: maxxer on on 7/1/15 for version 1.0

    this extension is great! needs some refinement, but I love it already :)

  • Doesn't work with Ctrl+enter 

    By: trungnd on on 5/6/14 for version 1.4

    I mostly use the shortcut ctrl+enter for quick send mail but i can't work with thismy version 8.0.7 Hop rrao will update this. 

  • Doesn't work in Zimbra 8.0.7 

    By: pavel.mikhailyuk@ocsial.com on on 4/13/14 for version 1.4

    Zimlet successfully deployed, but button Send not affected.

  • Not working with Zimbra OS 8.0? 

    By: marvin42 on on 1/3/13 for version 1.4

    Hi! I loved this Zimlet, worked fined until I upgraded to the latest Zimbra Open Source (8.0.1_GA_5438.FOSS).Now when the Zimlet is enabled, the send button doesn't reply? Anyone with this issue?

  • Not working in ZCS 7 

    By: eloughead on on 3/10/11 for version 1.0

    Was working great in ZCS 6 but can't compose new message with this enabled in ZCS 7. Please fix

  • Keyboard shortcuts request !!! 

    By: sb5 on on 10/8/10 for version 1.0

    Yeps needs to be active on the keyboard shortcut to be really usefull ! Is it complicated to update ?

  • Doesn't work with keyboard shortcuts 

    By: gruntymcwiggins on on 9/27/10 for version 1.0

    I thought this Zimlet would be great as I occassionally press 'CTRL Enter' by mistake and send an email before it's completed.However, this zimlet only works when you click the 'send' button, and not if you use the keyboard shortcut.If you could add this functionality, I would give it five stars.

  • My users love it, except for ONE teensy tiny little thing... 

    By: REMcycle on on 9/23/10 for version 1.0

    Hi there...excellent Zimlet!  Both my users and I all love it.  However...Say I go to the Tasks tab, and then go to the Mail tab and fire up a new mail...once I send it and click SEND NOW in the "undo send" window, I'll be forced back to my Tasks tab.Or, if I go to my Address Book and do the same thing, I'll be forced back to my Address Book.This has been tested and verified on Mac OS 10.6 and XP SP3 across multiple browsers.Is there any way to modify this so my users end up back in their Inboxes instead of wherever they were before they went to the Inbox?Thanks again!!!

  • Cool! 

    By: ipesin on on 7/31/10 for version 1.0

    Really cool, but it seems it doesn't work if you use keyboard shortcut to send an e-mail instead of pressing 'send' button.

Older Versions:

Version 1.3

Compatibility ZCS Legacy
Created 3/23/11, 2:39 PM
Toggle description

Undo Send Zimlet: Delays mail-send for few(upto 20) seconds.

If you have sent an email and immediately thought you shouldn't have sent it or want to change something and want to quickly undo, then, this Zimlet is for you.

** How it works:**

After we press "Send" button in mail compose, instead of sending mail instantly, you will see a count-down pop-up allowing you to quickly "Undo". It also has an option to "Send Now" if we are pretty confident :)

** Preferences:**

  • The delay time is defaulted to 7 seconds. But the amount of time to delay can be configured and can be from 3 seconds to 20 seconds. Click on the Zimlet in the overview panel to change it.

** Release Notes:**

Version 1.3:

  • Made it compatible with 7.x with Send Later option.

Version 1.0

  • Needs at least ZCS 6.0.7 - Works in Compose-in-new window as well