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Contact Cleaner Plus

By: ccs.uoguelph

Yet another Contact Cleaner for your enjoyment, it features:

  • Automatically detect possible duplicate contacts: identifies duplicates by email and name.
  • Manually merge contacts: for everything else not covered above.
  • Keep the mouse pointer over any of the options to display the details of the duplicate contact.
  • Simple interface.

This zimlet is deployed as a toolbar option available in the Address Book app.


  • The duplicates are sent to the Trash instead of deleting as a way of restoring the originals in case of a false positive or mistake.

  • Untested in version 7.0+

For more information visit the embedded link.



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Rating ( 3 ratings )
Downloads 4707
Latest Version 1.1
Categories Contacts , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 8/17/11
Updated on 10/7/15


  • Zimlet Does NOT work on ZCS 7+ 

    By: 50asm on on 7/1/15 for version 1.1

    This would be awweosme if it owuld work on 7+. Please update! Thanks!

  • Seems to not work on ZCS 8.0 

    By: dazo on on 11/8/12 for version 1.1

    This needs an update to ZCS 8.0, as the needed "buttons" are not visible here.

  • Zimlet doesn't work on Zimbra Desktop 7.1.2 

    By: thomi on on 1/23/12 for version 1.1

    Hey DeveloperTested your zimlet on zimbra 7.1.3 webclient, works perfect... manual and auto merge.. but on Zimbra Desktop 7.1.2 only manual merging (select 2 or more contacts and merge) does work.. merging overall is always loading/searching...thanksthomi