By: blaise
This Zimlet give you the ability to embed a TimeSheet Next Gen into your Zimbra 6 Installation.
Rating | ( 5 ratings ) |
Downloads | 3822 |
Latest Version | 1.0 |
Categories | Calendar |
Compatibility | ZCS Legacy |
License | No License Specified |
Created | on 8/24/10 |
Updated | on 10/4/15 |
By: krabina on on 7/1/15 for version 1.0
By: chaudharyumesh on on 7/1/15 for version 1.0
Getting same error "EROR 404"Please make it compatible with ZCS 7.1.3
By: pasco on on 1/9/12 for version 1.0
I always got an 404 Error when I use this Zimlet on a ZCS 7.* FOSS Zimbra Server:Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.Please try again later.
« Go back
ERROR: 404 What do I have to change?
By: sathane on on 1/30/11 for version 1.0
When I first saw this Zimlet I was excited, until I installed it.It 'embeds' Timesheet NG into Zimbra the same way you can embed any website into another using an iFrame. In effect, it puts Timesheet NG on another tab, which is possible with any modern browser. This Zimlet would earn a full 5 stars if there was some cross population of information going on. Adding an entry to the TS NG calendar should put a similar entry in the Zimbra Calendar. As the very least, the event description, notes, and time can be brought over. The opposite could be implements as well with Zimbra's usage of tags for calendar events.There is alot of potential here, just wish it was a bit more polished.
By: blaise on on 8/24/10 for version 1.0
First I want to thank you Robert Hau that have done the Journyx Timesheet Zimlet and most of the code is the same as his plugin.Secondly, to allow automatic login, you will need to modify the code of login.php on line 19 to add :// Added for Zimbra Zimlet : com_zimbra_tsheetx
elseif (isset($_REQUEST["username"]) && isset($_REQUEST["password"])) { $authenticationManager->login($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password']); gotoStartPage();}It's not necessary but if you didn't do it the users will need to authenticate to access the timesheet.Secondly, if you use it only with Zimbra, I think it will be a good idea to remove the content of the field "bannerhtml" if you don't want the menu on the configuration page. If you want to have one instance of the timesheet for normale users and one for timesheet with Zimbra but with the same data, you can install it twice with the same database and remove the content of the file banner.incI needed to remove for the moment the stopwatch function because it didn't work.