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( 1 ratings )

ZCal is a Zimbra calendar sync client for Android. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default Calendar app. ZCal does not rely on CalDav or Excange...

Downloads: 6315 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, Fun, Mail, Social, Utilities

( 8 ratings )

Use the ProcessMaker Zimlet to connect Zimbra to ProcessMaker open source BPM software suite. Set up preferences (user, password, server, and workspace), and then start or open your ProcessMaker...

Downloads: 9036 | Categories: Calendar, CRM, Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities

( 7 ratings )

This Zimlet allows you to perform several maintenance tasks on your Address Book to help better organize contacts. Cleanup ======= Move Some contacts in one Address Book to Trash (or some other...

Downloads: 5788 | Categories: Contacts, Mail, Utilities

( 6 ratings )

Admin Update (7/14/2012): People have reported that the zimlet doesn't work in few cases. If you are using a zimbra desktop then, *please make sure that you have the necessary proxy set in...

Downloads: 8493 | Categories: Fun, Utilities

Sender Blocker created by: ccs.uoguelph modified by : Cloud-Temple Grand Ouest maintained by: Zeta Alliance Tested on 8.8.15 patch 22 What is it ? SenderBlocker allows Zimbra users to block or...

Downloads: 5346 | Categories: Mail

( 3 ratings )

Downloads: 2952 | Categories: Fun, Social

( 2 ratings )

  Lot of times we create appointments where attendees are from different timezones and its extremely hard to know the best time-slot that works for all. This Zimlet makes it a breeze to...

Downloads: 4718 | Categories: Calendar

VNCsafe for Zimbra integrates OwnCloud or Nextcloud seamlessly withThe VNCsafe Zimlet will allow users to archive / store secure email attachments and messages - or to simply attach documents,...

Downloads: 3959 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files

This script can change ZD language for spell check (this is easy and siple way). This is beta (0.2) version of script for change spell check with ZD. Use this software at your own risk! Note -...

Downloads: 2525 | Categories: Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This zimlet connects zimbra with openmeetings. The user can use the zimlet to set up meetings using openmeetings.

Downloads: 2507 | Categories:

GreenRope is the world's first and only Business Operating System.  When your organization consolidates and simplifies sales, marketing, and operations in to one platform, it saves you time...

Downloads: 2835 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, CRM, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet brings about many top RSS feeds across four categories ("Top Stories", "Finance", "Politics" & "Technology") into Zimbra. Click the Zimlet panel icon and Subscribe to your favorite...

Downloads: 6608 | Categories: Fun, Mail, Social, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

VNC CRM for Zimbra is a Zimlet extension for your Zimbra Collaboration server. The CRM tab provides a solution for sales people to keep track of leads and opportunities directly from the Zimbra...

Downloads: 5553 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, CRM, Mail

( 1 ratings )

Good to Know !! Free - $0 Cost Available for Zimbra 8.6 and higher NO Middleware Required Features: 1:1 Text Chat User defined or auto generated contact lists - based on distribution...

Downloads: 9128 | Categories: Chat

Based on the EML downloader code I created a more convenient downloader. It is placed in the context menu if you right-click a message (or a bunch of selected messages). It creates the filename...

Downloads: 4451 | Categories: Mail

Preventative Out Of Office Alert Zimlet This Classic UI Zimlets displays an alert as soon as you enter an email address in to/cc/bcc of someone with an active out of office reply. Avoid putting...

Downloads: 292 | Categories: Mail

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Autocomplete Search History: This Zimlet stores all of your searches in the top-search field and uses that information to auto-complete next-time you perform a search. Autocomplete Advanced Search...

Downloads: 2303 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

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There are many cool and creative skins/themes available for Zimbra. This Zimlet enables users to configure to automatically change skin based on a user preference. For example: "Every Monday" or...

Downloads: 5146 | Categories: Fun, Mail

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This Zimlet allows users to preview and compare skins by opening multiple Zimbra Web Client instances, each with a different skin.

Downloads: 2484 | Categories: Fun, Mail


By: rrao

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Searches the Amazon.com site for books based on the ISBN identifier. Double-click on Amazon Zimlet panel icon to display a search dialog. Type any search keyword and click search. The Amazon.com...

Downloads: 4034 | Categories: Fun