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By: ankurankan

This zimlet connects zimbra with openmeetings. The user can use the zimlet to set up meetings using openmeetings.

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Rating ( 1 ratings )
Downloads 2541
Latest Version 0.1
Compatibility ZCS 7.x , ZD 7.0.x
License No License Specified
Created on 7/20/12
Updated on 10/8/15


  • Zimlet doesn't work 

    By: arun.shetty on on 7/27/12 for version 0.1

    Hi Ankurankan,Firstly, the idea of having an OM plugin is awesome! Unfortunately though, this zimlet doesn't work :-( After deploying it for the first time I was able to see a little pop-up when I clicked on the zimlet from a client console...nothing happened beyond that. I then undeployed and redeployed it and checked again, however the second time I couldn't see anything happening when I clicked on the zimlet icon from client console (not even the lil popup that I saw the first time).Am I doing something wrong? Please help!! I'm using Release 7.2.0_GA_2669.RHEL6_64_20120410002025 CentOS6_64 FOSS edition.I use OpenMeetings in my organization to provide users with audio/video/desktop sharing capabilities. Having this zimlet would've made our lives much easier by having the ability to use OM through Zimbra.Best Regards,Arun Shetty