VNC CRM for Zimbra is a Zimlet extension for your Zimbra Collaboration server. The CRM tab provides a solution for sales people to keep track of leads and opportunities directly from the Zimbra web interface. The CRM for Zimbra does not require external applications, it is an extension that leverages the exisitng Zimbra feature set into a CRM Tab.
With the VNC CRM for Zimbra leads and opportunities can be tracked easily at any point in time and it is the most important task of the system. Apart from leads and opportunities, VNC CRM for Zimbra is used to manage all communication related to particular leads and opportunities with clients, such as emails, tasks, calendar event and you can also generate reports to analyse work progress – thus making decisions, sales processes and deal closing faster and more efficient.
Administrators can manage master data for all clients and users from a single interface. All login information is configured directly within Zimbra Admin interface.
Please note: the free version is limited to 250 database records.
For any questions or to purchase the VNC CRM for Zimbra PRO Edition (Version 1.1.7), please contact us at:
After successfull installation of zmpkg, you can install the free version of the vnc-crm zimlet by executing as user Zimbra on your Zimbra mailbox:
zm-apt-get update
zm-apt-get install zcs-crm
zmmailboxdctl restart && zmprov fc all
Rating | ( 1 ratings ) |
Downloads | 5553 |
Latest Version | |
Categories | Calendar , Contacts , CRM , Mail |
Compatibility | ZCS 8.5/ZCS 8.6 , ZCS 8.0.x , ZCS 8.7.x , ZCS 8.8.x |
License | AGPL 3 |
Created | on 12/3/12 |
Updated | on 7/9/19 |
By: n1kt0 on on 9/15/15 for version 1.1.6
Hi all!
Install in
Release 8.6.0.GA.1153.UBUNTU14.64 UBUNTU14_64 FOSS edition, Patch 8.6.0_P4. and
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty
zmpkg list
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name Version Architecture Description
ii zcs-core-libs 8.5.0-judaspriest-0 all Makes ZCS core libraries available in the jsp containers
ii zcs-crm 1.1.6-judaspriest-0 all Zimbra CRM
ii zcs-lib-apache-httpclient4 all Apache httpclient4 library
ii zcs-lib-apache-httpcore4 all Apache httpcore4 library
ii zcs-lib-gson all Google json library
ii zcs-lib-json-simple all Simple JSON library
ii zcs-lib-vnc-common 0.13.7-Z8.5-judaspriest-0 all Common classes library for VNC packages
ii zcs-zmpkg all Zimbra package management system
All set of instructions but have not worked, page with e-mail is not loaded, the settings in the admin panel do not have.
Please use the following ZMPKG: and VNCcrm for Zimbra Version If you have further questions please contact us via
Replied on 11/3/15
Compatibility | ZCS 7.x , ZCS 8.0.x |
Created | 6/22/15, 3:36 PM |
VNC CRM for Zimbra is a Zimlet extension for your Zimbra Collaboration server. The CRM tab provides a solution for sales people to keep track of leads and opportunities directly from the Zimbra web interface. The CRM for Zimbra does not require external applications, it is an extension that leverages the exisitng Zimbra feature set into a CRM Tab.
With the VNC CRM for Zimbra leads and opportunities can be tracked easily at any point in time and it is the most important task of the system. Apart from leads and opportunities, VNC CRM for Zimbra is used to manage all communication related to particular leads and opportunities with clients, such as emails, tasks, calendar events and you can also generate reports to analyse work progress – thus making decisions, sales processes and deal closing faster and more efficient.
Administrators can manage master data for all clients and users from a single interface. All login information is configured directly within Zimbra Admin interface.
Zimbra 7.x or 8.x
ZCS Package ManagementTool (
License: GPLv3
For Zimbra 7 : helix
After Apt-Repository configuration, execute following commands as zimbra user to install zimlet.
zm-apt-get update
zmmailboxdctl restart
If you'd like to learn more about the features and functionalities of VNC CRM for Zimbra without installing the Zimlet yourself, just send an email to to request a demo account.
For any questions or to purchase the VNC CRM for Zimbra PRO Edition, please contact us at: or