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Zimbra Recent Account Activity (beta) A Zimbra extension that allows the user to monitor their recent login and account activity. This is important to keep the user's account safe. Designed for...

Downloads: 3411 | Categories: Mail

This Zimlet is an Admin Extension to set up a system/wide Domain Signature (Disclaimer). Note: Only for Zimbra Collaboration Suite 5.x on RedHat or Centos 4.x or 5.x Install instructions can be...

Downloads: 3352 | Categories: Developer Tools

( 1 ratings )

ZCard is a Zimbra contacts sync client for Android. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default People / Contacts app. ZCard does not rely on CardDav or...

Downloads: 3334 | Categories: Contacts, Fun, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Telecom, Utilities

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The zimlet can check and trace the real-time delivery information, transmitted by Chinese popular logistics companies. Those logistics companies are the biggest support for almost Chinese...

Downloads: 3276 | Categories:

The Zimlet provides an unsubscribe button in your inbox to make it easier to unsubscribe from newsletters, social media notifications and other promotional emails. This will help you to keep your...

Downloads: 3262 | Categories: Mail

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This Zimlet creates a client side interface for mxGateway. mxGateway is an email enhancement system that allows you to monitor, control and improve email functionality (see...

Downloads: 3103 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 2 ratings )

If you have ever seen a funny or profound quote below someone's email signature, this Zimlet brings that feature to Zimbra. You can select from nearly 40 categories of quotes (from www.quotedb.com).

Downloads: 3056 | Categories: Fun, Mail

This Zimlet alerts you when your forget to attach the attachment when sending an email message. The Zimlet will search for keywords in your message (for example, "attach" or "attachment"). And...

Downloads: 3044 | Categories: Mail

( 2 ratings )

If a mail is scanned by the anti-spam filter included with zimbra, this zimlet shows the spam score of that message below the message subject. It's based on the "X-Mailer" zimlet by rrao.

Downloads: 2989 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities

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  This extension enables administrators to modify the current out of office information for a user without switching to his or her mailbox view. This basically incorporates the "Vacation"...

Downloads: 2945 | Categories: Utilities

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QuiVIDEO Zimlet is a professional tool combining a cloud videoconference service powered by Vidyo, with Zimbra mail and collaboration system. This brand new combination enables QuiVIDEO...

Downloads: 2904 | Categories: Video

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This package provides integration between Zimbra Collaboration Server (ZCS) or Zimbra Collaboration Server Appliance (ZCA) and Proofpoint Encryption from Proofpoint. The Proofpoint Encryption...

Downloads: 2902 | Categories: Mail

( 1 ratings )

Email-Reminder This Zimlet enables you to set a reminder on emails. How it Works: The Zimlet displays an "Email Reminder Setup" dialog whenever you flag an email or conversation. The dialog...

Downloads: 2898 | Categories: Mail

( 3 ratings )

Downloads: 2801 | Categories: Fun, Social

A Zimbra server extension to change Active Directory passwords from the Zimbra web client. The original project by Antonio Messina (antonio.messina@icar.cnr.it)...

Downloads: 2799 | Categories: Mail

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  By seamlessly connecting VMware Zimbra email with Huddle, the Huddle / VMware Zimbra connector enables people to collaborate intelligently from their inbox and enterprises have an...

Downloads: 2777 | Categories: Contacts, Photos and Files, Utilities

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This package provides integration between Zimbra Collaboration Server (ZCS) or Zimbra Collaboration Server Appliance (ZCA) from VMware and the Spam Detection products from Proofpoint.  This...

Downloads: 2752 | Categories: Mail

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Do your users complain about lack of mailbox space? Zimbra does not provide a way of visualizing how the used space is distributed. Zimcleaner's aim is to analyze the user's mailbox and ease its...

Downloads: 2734 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files, Utilities

GreenRope is the world's first and only Business Operating System.  When your organization consolidates and simplifies sales, marketing, and operations in to one platform, it saves you time...

Downloads: 2705 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, CRM, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

Zimbra Mailing Lists (beta) Expand upon Zimbra's distribution lists feature to work more like a mailing list. This project will add a public subscription page to your Zimbra server allowing...

Downloads: 2700 | Categories: Mail