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Zimbra List Unsubscribe

By: zetalliance

The Zimlet provides an unsubscribe button in your inbox to make it easier to unsubscribe from newsletters, social media notifications and other promotional emails.

This will help you to keep your inbox clean! Please note that unsubscribing does not work for spam emails.

The unsubscribe button in Zimbra is based on the List-Unsubscribe header as defined by http://www.list-unsubscribe.com/ or RFC 2369

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Rating ( 6 ratings )
Downloads 3374
Latest Version 0.7
Categories Mail
Compatibility ZCS 8.8.x , ZCS 9.0.x , ZCS 10.0.x
License GNU GPL v2
Created on 7/2/15
Updated on 10/16/21


  • Work perfectly 

    By: zimico on on 3/1/20 for version 0.7

    Work perfectly for Zimbra 8.8.15!

  • Great works 

    By: alamail on on 12/19/17 for version 0.7

    hi barry, can i use for zimbra 8.7.11?

  • Thanks Barry! 

    By: ajcody on on 12/23/16 for version 0.6

  • This extension is a must-have, I really like it, and I really recommend it. 

    By: jdelacruz on on 9/23/15 for version 0.6

  • works great 

    By: junkb on on 9/23/15 for version 0.6

    thanks, it's great to have this button. it simplifies things, and helps users understand there is a difference between spam and mail they don't want

  • Very useful 

    By: maxxer on on 7/6/15 for version 0.4

    Thanks Barry, it's a very useful extension for our users. Most of them never did or never realized they subscribed to a mailing list!