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Proofpoint Encryption Zimlet

By: Proofpoint

This package provides integration between Zimbra Collaboration Server (ZCS) or Zimbra Collaboration Server Appliance (ZCA) and Proofpoint Encryption from Proofpoint.

The Proofpoint Encryption Zimlet adds a new "Send Encrypted" checkbox to the "Options" menu on the ZWC AJAX compose message view. This checkbox performs the actions necessary to force encryption of an outbound message when it is scanned by Proofpoint Enterprise Privacy. The message is encrypted at the Proofpoint gateway and delivered encrypted to the recipient. To ensure the message is encrypted, enable the desktop_plugin_encrypt rule in the Email Firewall module of Proofpoint Enterprise Privacy.

Note: The "Send Securely" checkbox will only appear when the Zimlet is installed and the Zimlet is enabled for that account or Class of Service (COS) for the account. Standard product administrator account/COS controls can be used control who can use the Zimlet.

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Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 3036
Latest Version 1.05
Categories Mail
Compatibility ZCS 7.x
License No License Specified
Created on 1/25/12
Updated on 10/4/15