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Autocomplete Search History: This Zimlet stores all of your searches in the top-search field and uses that information to auto-complete next-time you perform a search. Autocomplete Advanced Search...

Downloads: 2301 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet helps you refine your current search. After performing a search with several results, you can use the Search Refiner Zimlet to quickly refine the search, for example, to show only...

Downloads: 2122 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

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There are many cool and creative skins/themes available for Zimbra. This Zimlet enables users to configure to automatically change skin based on a user preference. For example: "Every Monday" or...

Downloads: 5143 | Categories: Fun, Mail

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This Zimlet allows users to preview and compare skins by opening multiple Zimbra Web Client instances, each with a different skin.

Downloads: 2483 | Categories: Fun, Mail

( 3 ratings )

When someone sends an email, in most cases, the mail client application (like Zimbra or Microsoft Outlook) will include mail client information in the "X-Mailer" message header. This mailer Zimlet...

Downloads: 4751 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities

( 2 ratings )

If you have ever seen a funny or profound quote below someone's email signature, this Zimlet brings that feature to Zimbra. You can select from nearly 40 categories of quotes (from www.quotedb.com).

Downloads: 3159 | Categories: Fun, Mail

( 11 ratings )

Set Zimbra as the windows' default mail appplication with MAPI support. Now you can use Office mail merge, send mails from Excel and others using MAPI, integrate your legacy appliations back to...

Downloads: 119913 | Categories: Utilities, Calendar, Developer Tools, Mail, Photos and Files

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A Zimlet that allows users to create and delete their own resource/location calendars. Installation ------------ Install Zimlet via the admin panel Before testing it out, edit...

Downloads: 2262 | Categories: Calendar, Utilities

Updated for 7.x! Pure Java now! Server extension to compute the samba NT and LM hashes and keep them in sync with the Zimbra user password when it is changed.   Requirements ZCS up to...

Downloads: 6653 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities

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Zimbra Altermime Installer, is a package that contains all files and scripts to set up a system/wide Domain Signature (Disclaimer) and Admin UI Extension, for Zimbra 5.0.2 on Red Hat/CentOS 4.x or...

Downloads: 2570 | Categories: Developer Tools

This Zimlet is an Admin Extension to set up a system/wide Domain Signature (Disclaimer). Note: Only for Zimbra Collaboration Suite 5.x on RedHat or Centos 4.x or 5.x Install instructions can be...

Downloads: 3499 | Categories: Developer Tools

( 3 ratings )

ZimbraNotify, Linux Toaster wannabe, works on the system tray checking and notifying about new emails. The information is accessed thorough Zimbra's ATOM feeds. This is the first and last version...

Downloads: 7332 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities

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PHP Script that helps you translate the language files Installation Instructions Copy the PHP script to the /opt/zimbra/httpd/htdocs directory. If you do not have any old localized language...

Downloads: 2323 | Categories: Developer Tools, Translations


By: rrao

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Searches the Amazon.com site for books based on the ISBN identifier. Double-click on Amazon Zimlet panel icon to display a search dialog. Type any search keyword and click search. The Amazon.com...

Downloads: 4032 | Categories: Fun


By: rrao

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The Evite Zimlet integrates your Evite events into your Zimbra calendar. Right-click on the Evite panel icon and save your Evite login information (username and password). Then click Calendar...

Downloads: 4240 | Categories: Calendar, Developer Tools, Fun, Social, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

This Zimlet allows you to easily add all participants in an email conversation to your address book. Simply drag-and-drop a conversation or message onto the Zimlet panel icon and all participant...

Downloads: 8316 | Categories: Contacts, Mail, Utilities

( 2 ratings )

A set of MS PowerShell scripts to send SOAP requests to the Zimbra server. Can be used to create an interactive command line session to the Zimbra server for both administrative and mailbox...

Downloads: 33779 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities