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By: pbruna

ZimbraNotify, Linux Toaster wannabe, works on the system tray checking and notifying about new emails. The information is accessed thorough Zimbra's ATOM feeds. This is the first and last version of this software, now im working in a SOAP based version. This way the ZimbraNotify could do much more, like:

  • Fast “Mark As” Messages,
  • Appointment notifications,
  • Quick Contact Search.
  • and much more. ZimbraNotify is based on checkgmail by Owen Marshall, checkgmail.sf.net. This is a Perl application, so you will need some modules. When you run ZimbraNotify from the command line it'll tell you if you have missing modules. Once all the needed modules are installed, you will need to enter the login information on dialog gui. Next ZimbraNotifywill start notifying you about new emails. Also there is more info in the Zimbra Wiki: http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=ZimbraCheck


Rating ( 3 ratings )
Downloads 7346
Latest Version 0.3
Categories Developer Tools , Mail , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS Legacy
License No License Specified
Created on 2/13/08
Updated on 10/4/15


  • Very nice! 

    By: neromaverick on on 7/1/15 for version 0.3

    I like how customizable this is, being able to change the icons, time to check email, commands to run when you click the icon, get mail, or have no mail. For how customizable it is, its also very simple

    Only one drawback is it only notifies you of new email in the inbox. If you have filters that auto organize your mail, you miss alerts on those messages.

    This does require a few dependencies on Ubuntu 10.04, command below.

    It may require more, but these were the ones it bugged me about. after I installed those, everything worked fine!

    Would love to see a version that checks all folders

    Run this command to get it working on 10.04, most likely works on other versions of Ubuntu

    sudo apt-get install libgtk2-trayicon-perl libxml-simple-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl

  • Very Cool 

    By: seobilog on on 7/1/15 for version 0.3

    I have test your extension, and it's does his job great, but if you have all cobnfigured/prepared as you think would be.I have zimbra with n domains that have their corresponding active directory user, but this "SdUsr" has their account with different name from zimbra account. For ex.: infoin @ seobilog.com and in Active dir this user is seops.

  • Installation 

    By: nanks306 on on 7/21/11 for version 0.3

    can you tell me how to install this notifier in ubuntu ? .thx.