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Do your users complain about lack of mailbox space? Zimbra does not provide a way of visualizing how the used space is distributed. Zimcleaner's aim is to analyze the user's mailbox and ease its...

Downloads: 2888 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files, Utilities

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zimslabim - Zimbra to Sql Ldap Address Book Importer zimslabimp is PHP script to download one or more address books from your ZCS server and automatically import them into a SQL database and/or a...

Downloads: 2014 | Categories: Telecom, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

ZCard is a Zimbra contacts sync client for Android. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default People / Contacts app. ZCard does not rely on CardDav or...

Downloads: 3430 | Categories: Contacts, Fun, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Telecom, Utilities

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ZadmiN lets you manage, monitor and administer any number of Zimbra email servers from your Android smartphone or tablet. You can easily:• View the status of all running services on the server•...

Downloads: 3885 | Categories: Developer Tools, Mail, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

  ZDrive brings the full Zimbra Documents and Briefcase experience to your Android smartphone or tablet. ZDrive allows you to store all your files in your Zimbra account's Briefcase, so you...

Downloads: 5623 | Categories: Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Utilities

This zimlet shows weather information in Japan in miniCal area and on a dialog box.    Features: You can use your location information on Firefox and Chrome. You can select a...

Downloads: 1604 | Categories: Fun, Utilities

( 2 ratings )

This is the first available version of EML Download. It allows you to download your messages directly in plain text (not .tgz or .zip). Tested on Zimbra ZCS 8.0 (Internet Explorer not...

Downloads: 6627 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

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  This extension enables administrators to modify the current out of office information for a user without switching to his or her mailbox view. This basically incorporates the "Vacation"...

Downloads: 3043 | Categories: Utilities

( 1 ratings )

Downloads: 3623 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

GreenRope is the world's first and only Business Operating System.  When your organization consolidates and simplifies sales, marketing, and operations in to one platform, it saves you time...

Downloads: 2822 | Categories: Calendar, Contacts, CRM, Mail, Photos and Files, Social, Utilities

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The ZCS Package Management Core provides a generic dpkg/apt-based package management facility for deployment extensions within a Zimbra ZCS instance. It also provides a set of utilities for...

Downloads: 5943 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities

( 1 ratings )

Introduction This zimlet listens for the hotkey STRG-SHIFT-G and pops up a date selection box. The user can either choose a date using a mini calendar or manually enter the date. After clicking...

Downloads: 4913 | Categories: Utilities

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This Zimlet creates a client side interface for mxGateway. mxGateway is an email enhancement system that allows you to monitor, control and improve email functionality (see...

Downloads: 3149 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

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  By seamlessly connecting VMware Zimbra email with Huddle, the Huddle / VMware Zimbra connector enables people to collaborate intelligently from their inbox and enterprises have an...

Downloads: 2836 | Categories: Contacts, Photos and Files, Utilities

Downloads: 2190 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

( 6 ratings )

Admin Update (7/14/2012): People have reported that the zimlet doesn't work in few cases. If you are using a zimbra desktop then, *please make sure that you have the necessary proxy set in...

Downloads: 8452 | Categories: Fun, Utilities

This script can change ZD language for spell check (this is easy and siple way). This is beta (0.2) version of script for change spell check with ZD. Use this software at your own risk! Note -...

Downloads: 2516 | Categories: Utilities

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Use this zimlet to quickly change the state of a task without the need to open the full edit pane. To make use of this zimlet: Select one or more tasks. Click on the new toolbar option "Mark...

Downloads: 2715 | Categories: Utilities

Yet another Contact Cleaner for your enjoyment, it features: Automatically detect possible duplicate contacts: identifies duplicates by email and name. Manually merge contacts: for everything...

Downloads: 4826 | Categories: Contacts, Utilities

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In 7.1.x, People search doesn't show photos as it doesn't know how to construct URL to the photo. This Zimlet ( along with LDAP changes) provide a way to solve this issue. Please go...

Downloads: 2087 | Categories: Utilities