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By: chlauber

zimslabim - Zimbra to Sql Ldap Address Book Importer

zimslabimp is PHP script to download one or more address books from your ZCS server and automatically import them into a SQL database and/or a LDAP Directory. It uses zimbra REST url to download contacts XML export.
The idea is to reuse your zimbra addresses for other purpose like PBX using LDAP, Wordprocessors using SQL/ODBC ...



  • Imports multiple address books to SQL and/or LDAP keeps address boom information
  • Uses zimbra REST Url to get autmatically XML export file of the zimbra address books
  • Fully configurable using config.ini file
  • Commandline args for maintianance like listing exiting address books and deleting specific address books
  • Updates exsting addresses accoring address entry revision
  • Different log levels using -v,-vv,-vvv switches
  •  Suitable for regularly importing using cron job

LDAP Specific

  • Default mapping to inetOrgPerson schema (default, others are possible).
  • Attribute mapping is configurable in config.ini
  • Different address books are kept separately below one 'ou' per address book
  • Updates existing addresses according to last modification time

SQL Specific

  • Uses PHP PDO so at least mysql and sqllite are supported
  • SQL tables are automactically created when needed
  • Address book information kept in seperate table with reference to address entry




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Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 2026
Latest Version 00.01
Categories Telecom , Utilities
Compatibility ZCS 8.0.x , ZD 7.0.x
License No License Specified
Created on 5/26/14
Updated on 10/8/15