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Install on your Zimbra 9 server the zimlet to create Microsoft Teams meeting from calendar. You can use Teams Power immediately for employees and users outside the company. To start using Teams...

Downloads: 572 | Categories: Calendar, Video

( 2 ratings )

Email Reminder Zimlet Create a calendar reminder based on an email message. Installing Download the Zip file from the Github releases page and install as zimbra user: zmzimletctl deploy...

Downloads: 391 | Categories: Calendar, Mail

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The Zextras theme for Zimbra 9 and Zimbra 8 has been created thanks to many feedback received by the community about the Zimbra interface. A better graphic workplace for the daily...

Downloads: 12580 | Categories:

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This Zimlet add a button in the new appointment window that allows you to create a Nextcloud Talk meeting from the Zimbra Calendar. Installing This Zimlet depends on the installation of...

Downloads: 356 | Categories: Calendar, Fun, Chat, Video

Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Zimlet Classic UI The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Zimlet adds a menu to Zimbra Classic UI that allows the use of First.org Traffic Light Protocol (TLP)...

Downloads: 396 | Categories: Mail

Traffic Light Protocol 2.0 (TLP) Zimlet The Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) Zimlet adds a menu to Zimbra Modern UI that allows the use of First.org Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) confidentiality...

Downloads: 367 | Categories: Mail

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Customizing the Modern UI theme colors and logo With the Simple Theme customizer Zimlet you can change the Modern UI appearance in a fast and easy way. Simple Theme customizer Zimlet supports...

Downloads: 437 | Categories:

( 1 ratings )

The Zimlet Sideloader provides an easy way to run Zimlets for development and testing purposes without having to actually deploy a Zimlet on your server. The Sideloader itself is also a Zimlet...

Downloads: 878 | Categories: Developer Tools

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The User Session Management Zimlet lets you see all your active sessions and synced mobile devices from the Modern UI without asking your administrator. To find the Zimlet, click the gear menu ->...

Downloads: 863 | Categories: Utilities

This Zimlet adds a menu item in the More menu to export/download an email to an eml file.

Downloads: 869 | Categories: Mail

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Integrate 3rd party web-apps in Zimbra with the AnyFrame Zimlet Integration with Zimbra is easy with the AnyFrame Zimlet. This Zimlet allows you to embed up to 3 websites as a tab in Zimbra...

Downloads: 501 | Categories: Mail, Utilities

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With this Zimlet administrators can change the behaviour of the navigation buttons in Zimbra Modern UI. This Zimlet will bypass this screen: So when the user clicks on the cloud icon, the user...

Downloads: 378 | Categories: Developer Tools, Utilities

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This Classic UI Zimlet implements the reading and setting of the Sensitivity header RFC2156, it is implemented the same way as in MS Outlook, mainly to keep it consistent. For the Modern UI...

Downloads: 521 | Categories: Mail

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Zimbra with on premise Single Sign-On using Keycloak In this article you will learn how to install Keycloak and how to set-up Zimbra on Keycloak. Keycloak is an open source identity and access...

Downloads: 878 | Categories: SAML

With Zimbra Docs, users can create and collaborate real-time using documents, spreadsheets and presentations right inside the Zimbra Web Client. If you already use Zimbra Docs, you can install...

Downloads: 965 | Categories: Utilities

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Share files directly from you RushFiles account. This zimlet allows user to share files directly from their RushFiles account. A new public link (optionally password protected) is automatically...

Downloads: 469 | Categories: Photos and Files

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This Zimlet adds an option in the mail view for ICS attachments and allow to import into Calendar. In addition it also adds a menu option in the Calendar Actions menu to import an ICS via upload.

Downloads: 465 | Categories: Calendar, Mail

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This Zimlet adds a menu item in the More menu to export a calendar event to an ics file.

Downloads: 434 | Categories: Calendar

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Introducing the Organization Chart Zimlet Recently the Organization Chart Zimlet was added to Zimbra 9. You can use the Organization Chart Zimlet to display the people in your organization in a...

Downloads: 586 | Categories: Contacts

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ansible-zimbra-single This role automates the process of installing single-server Zimbra Open Source Edition v8.8.15 and v9.0.0 on CentOS 8 and Ubuntu 18.04. Requirements 1) Must be a fresh...

Downloads: 411 | Categories: Developer Tools