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Zimbra Briefcase online document editor Modern UI

By: zimbra

With Zimbra Docs, users can create and collaborate real-time using documents, spreadsheets and presentations right inside the Zimbra Web Client.

If you already use Zimbra Docs, you can install this Zimlet so that you can also use Zimbra Docs in Modern UI.

This Zimlet is included in the Zimbra repositories so you can install it by running:

  apt install zimbra-zimlet-briefcase-edit-lool
  yum install zimbra-zimlet-briefcase-edit-lool

If you have not set up Zimbra Docs, please see the helpful links section below on how to download and install Zimbra Docs. Zimbra Docs is based on Collabora Online formerly known as LibreOffice online.

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Rating ( 1 ratings )
Downloads 634
Latest Version 0.0.1
Categories Utilities
Compatibility ZCS 9.0.x
License Network Edition License
Created on 1/25/22
Updated on 10/11/22