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Simple Theme customizer Zimlet Modern UI

By: zimbra

Customizing the Modern UI theme colors and logo

With the Simple Theme customizer Zimlet you can change the Modern UI appearance in a fast and easy way. Simple Theme customizer Zimlet supports setting the primary and secondary color and the logo on Zimbra Modern UI. You can set these settings globally or per domain.

Configuring and installing

Please read the documentation on https://github.com/Zimbra/zimbra-zimlet-simple-theme


Default Modern UI colors.

Modern UI after installation of Simple Theme customizer Zimlet.

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Rating No ratings or reviews
Downloads 365
Latest Version 0.0.3
Compatibility ZCS 9.0.x , ZCS 10.0.x
License BSD 3-Clause
Created on 5/23/22
Updated on 6/20/22