With Zimbra Docs, users can create and collaborate real-time using documents, spreadsheets and presentations right inside the Zimbra Web Client. If you already use Zimbra Docs, you can install...
Downloads: 968 | Categories: Utilities
The Google Drive Zimlet allows you to use Google Drive with Zimbra. Save attachments from Zimbra to Google Drive Attach documents from Google Drive to Emails in Zimbra This Zimlet is in the...
Downloads: 901 | Categories: Mail
The Zimlet Sideloader provides an easy way to run Zimlets for development and testing purposes without having to actually deploy a Zimlet on your server. The Sideloader itself is also a Zimlet...
Downloads: 879 | Categories: Developer Tools
This Zimlet adds a menu item in the More menu to export/download an email to an eml file.
Downloads: 871 | Categories: Mail
The User Session Management Zimlet lets you see all your active sessions and synced mobile devices from the Modern UI without asking your administrator. To find the Zimlet, click the gear menu ->...
Downloads: 864 | Categories: Utilities
The Webex Zimlet creates meetings for you on your Webex account and inserts the link into the location field when you schedule appointments in Zimbra. There is support for setting the meeting...
With the Nextcloud Zimlet you can add files from Nextcloud to emails as attachments, links and inline images. You can also store emails and attachments from Zimbra to Nextcloud. This Zimlet is in...
Downloads: 735 | Categories: Photos and Files
This article will show you how to write a simple Signature Template Zimlet. The Signature Template Zimlet offers a globally configured email signature template that users can use to configure...
Downloads: 700 | Categories: Mail
This is a Zimlet that helps the user to maintain and use Email Templates. An User will use templates when s/he has to send a lot of 'similar looking' emails but with small changes. Consider an...
Downloads: 638 | Categories: Mail
Add a virtual Sticky Note to your emails. Click the Sticky Note icon that now shows up in the right top of the displayed email. Make a note, and click OK. The Sticky Note is...
Downloads: 615 | Categories: Mail
Introducing the Organization Chart Zimlet Recently the Organization Chart Zimlet was added to Zimbra 9. You can use the Organization Chart Zimlet to display the people in your organization in a...
Downloads: 587 | Categories: Contacts
Google Translate Zimlet lets you translate incoming email messages to your own language using Google Translate. In case you receive messages in languages you cannot read yourself. This Zimlet uses...
Downloads: 579 | Categories: Mail
Install on your Zimbra 9 server the zimlet to create Microsoft Teams meeting from calendar. You can use Teams Power immediately for employees and users outside the company. To start using Teams...
Voice Message Zimlet lets you record an audio message using Chrome and Firefox on the desktop. Playback will also work on Android, for Apple devices one must install VLC app from the app...
Add BigBlueButton meeting information to calendar appointments in Zimbra. Installation Run the installer from https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/bigbluebutton-zimlet. Screenshots
Salesforce Zimlet Email2Case This Zimlet adds a Email2Case menu item in the More menu. Get zimbra-zimlet-salesforce.zip from Github and follow the install instrunctions from the README.
Downloads: 508 | Categories: Mail
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