By: zimbra
This is a Zimlet that helps the user to maintain and use Email Templates. An User will use templates when s/he has to send a lot of 'similar looking' emails but with small changes. Consider an Accountant in the finance department sending invoices at the end of the month. The Accountant will create an invoice template with all the boiler plate text in it, leaving placeholders in the template where the changing data needs to go. When it is time to send out the actual invoices, the accountant will do the following: * Compose a new email. * Insert the invoice template into this new email. * While inserting, the user will replace the actual values for the placehoder. * Send the email.
Thus this Zimlet eases the user's job when they need to send many emails with boiler plate content and with small changes for each instance.
Download the latest version from or click download button below. Copy to your Zimbra server and deploy as follows:
sudo su - zimbra
zmzimletctl deploy
zmmailboxdctl restart
Like all other Zimlets, this one will also be available to the user when the Administrator enables it. On the compose email screen, when the user sees a templates button at bottom-right(figure #1), it means this zimlet is loaded and available.
The user can create a template with all the boiler-plate text and placeholders as follows (figure #1). * Compose an email as usual. (Click on "New Message" button in the Mail tab) * Add the boiler-plate text as necessary. * We can add placeholders where appropriate using $ sign with a name in curly braces as ${MY_PLACEHOLDER} * Placeholder names are case-sensitive and can use albhabets, numbers, hyphen, underscore, dot and space characters.
This button shows email templates zimlet is loaded.
Insert Template - Lists folders and templates under the clicked folder.
Template having placeholders - asks user to fill values for placeholders.
Example of placeholder template.
Save as Template - Click on any folder where you want to save this template.
Rating | ( 1 ratings ) |
Downloads | 638 |
Latest Version | 0.0.4 |
Categories | |
Compatibility | ZCS 9.0.x , ZCS 10.0.x |
License | BSD 3-Clause |
Created | on 6/21/21 |
Updated | on 7/21/23 |